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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 268

"Sure thing, Mr. Johnson, please sign here. It's $1,538."

This hairband, though similar to the one Sherilyn has, is quite different. Hers is adorned with plastic beads, while this one boasts authentic Tahitian pearls, justifying the steep price difference.

Gilbert signed the receipt, secured the hairband, and left TeeMall.

Back at the Johnson Estate.

First, Gilbert sought out Sylvia, and then he made his way to Francis' room.

At that moment, Francis was reclining in a salon chair in the bathroom, with Caroline getting ready to wash his hair.

"Is Gilbert here?"

"Hey Francis, Caroline."

Caroline rolled up her sleeves, her phone suddenly rang. "Perfect timing, I'll take this call. Chat with your brother for a bit. I'll be right back..."

With that, she stepped out with her phone.


Gilbert pulled up a chair and sat down, casually draping an arm over the backrest.

Facing Francis, Gilbert still had traces of the 'little boy' he once was.

Seizing the moment with Caroline away, Gilbert lowered his voice, diving into gossip, "So, big bro, who's this person Sawyer's been hunting for lately?"

He hadn't specifically snooped around; it was just that Charles had heard something through the grapevine.

Details were scarce.

Francis tensed, his brow furrowing slightly.

He tried to speak but couldn't.


Seeing Francis' sudden nervousness, Gilbert teased, "Don't tell me, you're looking for a lady?"

"No… Nons…" At that, Francis grew agitated, his throat emitting unclear sounds.

"You mean...nonsense?"

Understanding him, Gilbert raised an eyebrow, smirking, "Easy there, big bro. I know about Caroline. I'm just messing with you. Don't worry, I won't stir up trouble with Caroline..."

As for whom his brother was actually seeking, Gilbert, playing the role of the dutiful younger brother, wouldn't pry if Francis chose not to share.

"What are you guys talking about?"


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