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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 281

Outside the restaurant, Daphne was all smiles, arm in arm with an elegant lady, laughing as they walked in. They were here for dinner too, but they headed straight for a private dining room.

Sherilyn didn't want to cause a scene. Although she didn't understand the insistence on orange juice, she quickly grabbed it and gulped it down.

"Is that alright now?"

"Of course," Hannah raised an eyebrow, "Always the big-hearted one!"

Turning away, a sly smile crossed her face, and a spark of cunning flashed in her eyes.

By the time Daphne looked their way, everything was already settled.

The elegant lady with her was none other than Derek's mother, Mrs. Brooks, who pointed at Sherilyn.

"Is that the young lady Mr. Johnson recommended?"

"Yes, that's her." Daphne nodded with a smile. "She's really talented, definitely the future star of the Lightning Dance Troupe."

"Is that so?" Mrs. Brooks sighed in relief. "That's wonderful. Let's go, I'm starving."



Late at night.

"Ugh, hmm..."

Rebecca was awakened by strange noises, breaking out in a cold sweat. After turning on the light, she saw Sherilyn curled up in a ball under her blankets, making those whimpering sounds.


Rebecca immediately got out of bed and rushed to Sherilyn's side, "What's wrong? Are you feeling okay?"

Sherilyn was sweating profusely, clutching her stomach before suddenly sitting up and rushing to the bathroom.

She had a stomach ache. Before Rebecca woke up, she had already made several trips to the restroom.

After all that, she was left with severe cramps.

"Sherilyn, I’m coming in."

Rebecca, worried, pushed the door open and handed her a towel to clean her face. "Is it diarrhea?"


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