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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 293

"Sir, I'm heading out! Bye-bye!"

With a quick twist of her little body, she didn't linger; she just ran off into the distance.

At the door, the nurse picked her up, "It's way past your bedtime, you know that?"

"I know, don’t be mad, lady."

Watching them disappear, Gilbert stood up, his hand instinctively going to the spot where the little munchkin had planted a kiss, and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Mr. Gilbert!"

Charles had finished up his appointment and was looking everywhere for him. "Where'd you wander off to? I've been looking all over."

"Let's head out."

Gilbert didn't go into details, just massaged his temples. He was really feeling under the weather.

Turned out, after seeing the doctor, he was admitted to the hospital.


Crimson Table.


"What's wrong?" Edgar paused, his gaze snapping to Sherilyn across from him.

"It's nothing…" Sherilyn offered a sheepish smile, shaking her head.

They had planned a dinner date, but as luck would have it, while she was cutting her steak, her hand slipped, and the knife nicked her palm.

"Let me see?" Edgar, concerned, took her hand to inspect it. "How did you manage to nick yourself?"

Sherilyn couldn't really explain it. Just moments ago, she had spaced out, lost in thought.

"It's fine."

After a thorough check, Edgar relaxed, "It's not cut, just a bit red."

"Told you it was nothing."

Sherilyn pulled back her hand. "Come on, eat up. Don't you have a flight to catch tonight?"

Edgar had a business trip to Rainshore City scheduled for the next day.

"Yeah, sure." Edgar refilled her glass with water. "Sorry, I can't drop you off the day after tomorrow."


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