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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 350

"Sherilyn, Sherilyn!"

As Gilbert approached the quaint apartment on Serenity Street, where Sherilyn had once lived, he banged on the door with a sense of urgency, his voice sounding almost pleading through the thick wood.

"I was wrong, okay? Can we please talk about this?"

But no matter how much he knocked and apologized, there was no response from within. Gilbert figured she must be really mad at him.

"What are you pounding on about?"

The complaint came from a neighbor, clearly annoyed by the disturbance. "Knock it off! Nobody's lived there for ages. What are you doing?"

What? Gilbert was stunned. No one was living there? How could that be?

"The tenant moved out a while ago. Hasn't been rented out since. Who are you even looking for?"

The neighbor eyed him with a mix of amusement and bewilderment before abruptly shutting the door with a loud 'bang.'

Stunned, Gilbert stood frozen in place. Sherilyn had moved out? Without telling him?

Darkness seemed to envelop him for a moment.

Where had Sherilyn gone?

Turning away from the apartment, he contacted the property management and called up Charles.

By the time he returned to Golden Oak Manor, the property management had pulled up the surveillance footage, showing Sherilyn getting into a taxi at the community gate.

Unfortunately, the video only captured the first few characters of the license plate, not the whole thing.


"Yes, Mr. Gilbert." Charles understood immediately. "I'll have someone look into it right away."

Having the car's color, model, and partial license plate was a start.

Meanwhile, they’d also need to check with Sherilyn's colleagues at the dance company. Sherilyn hadn't been in Sunhaven long and didn't have many friends, but Gilbert remembered she was close to someone in the dance company... Rebecca?


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