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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 413

Sherilyn had a night full of dreams, so fragmented that waking up felt like surfacing from deep waters. Her head spun lightly, and her eyes were puffy from the effort. Blinking away the sleep, she found her treasure, Jenna, snuggled close.


Sherilyn planted a soft kiss on her daughter's head, only to be interrupted by the buzzing of her phone on the nightstand. It was a text from Gilbert.

[Good morning, love. Headed to the office. I'll pick you up from the dance troupe tonight.]

She couldn't help but roll her eyes to the heavens.

With a flick of her finger, she silenced the phone's screen, leaving the message without a reply.


Arriving at the dance troupe early in the morning, Sherilyn was greeted with a bear hug from Rebecca. "Sherilyn!"

"Rebecca!" Sherilyn returned the embrace with equal excitement. "It's so good to see you're okay!"

"Yeah!" Rebecca beamed, nodding. "Back in action. But..."

She then brought up troupe matters. "This weekend, we're going dark."

"What?" Sherilyn was taken aback. "Going dark? Why? Where'd you hear that?"

She was already tangled up in thoughts about future performances.

"Didn't you see the notice board on your way in?"

Rebecca smirked. "It's the directors' decision, seems to be Daphne Hansen's call."

The Crestwood incident had hit the dance troupe hard. Injuries aside, performers like Sherilyn, who carried multiple roles, were running on fumes.

After some deliberation, the decision was made to go dark for a while, to regroup and recover.

Ding! Ding!


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