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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 430

"Uh-huh." Sherilyn nodded weakly, her energy sapped.

The OB-GYN left, and in came the orthopedic surgeon.

After a thorough examination, it was determined that her shoulder was dislocated. Right there and then, the doctor performed a manual reduction.

Then, he secured it with a bandage and advised, "Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Johnson, it's nothing serious. Just avoid any strenuous activity for the next week and pay attention to your diet."

Besides that, both doctors prescribed some medication, explained how to take them, and then she was ready to be discharged.

While her subordinate took care of the paperwork, Gilbert carried Sherilyn to the car.

Throughout, Sherilyn kept her eyes closed. After such a fiasco, she didn't know how to face Gilbert.

She thought their entanglement had ended with the child she believed she was carrying.

Even though she agreed to return to him because of Rebecca, the current situation was different...

She wasn't pregnant, which meant she and he were still entangled.

Both emotionally and physically, she wasn't prepared.

But Gilbert thought she was just embarrassed. He raised his hand to touch her face, "Sherilyn, you know what? I'm so glad."

At his words, Sherilyn suddenly opened her eyes. Glad? Glad about what?

But looking at his expression, joy was evident in his eyes and smile—he meant it. Why?

As Gilbert gently stroked her hair, his gaze fixed on Sherilyn, slightly warm.

"Even though the pregnancy was a misunderstanding, to you, it was real. You were willing to have my child, weren't you?"

Sherilyn opened her mouth but said nothing.

Of course, he didn't need her answer. The facts were clear.

Gilbert leaned in, holding her tight. "Sherilyn, thank you. Thank you for being willing to go through all this."


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