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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 432

The dance company was a hive of activity that day.

Sherilyn was off from her morning duties at the kids' dance class, stretching her legs in the rehearsal hall.


Rebecca came up smiling, and she wasn’t alone—she had a beautiful girl with her.

"Guess who's here?"



Ailie, the girl in question, ran over and embraced Sherilyn, greeting her with a peck on the cheek—a gesture of affection among close friends.

In truth, Sherilyn and Ailie were more than just friends—they were bonded by a life-and-death ordeal.

Who's Ailie, you ask?

She was the girl from Crestwood's RED Dance Troupe, the one who found herself and Sherilyn strapped to a bomb. It was Ailie who, in the end, carried an unconscious Sherilyn to safety, escaping certain death together!

"I'm so happy to see you!"

"Me too."

Sherilyn eyed Ailie curiously. "What brings you here? Are you touring with the dance company?"

"Yeah." Ailie nodded with a smile. "After what happened, we couldn't perform locally anymore."

The central hall of the RED Dance Troupe had been bombed, and repairs were not going to be a quick fix.

"The director arranged a tour, and now we're ‘crashing’ various places. Just so happened, we were passing through Sunhaven. I thought, why not come and see you?"

Ailie gestured between herself and Sherilyn. "We're what you call in Sunhaven... what's the word... 'life and death friends'?"

"Soul sisters!"

"Ha! Yes, soul sisters!"

With a friend visiting from afar, Sherilyn naturally wanted to play the perfect host.

But with Ailie catching a flight in the evening, they decided to grab lunch together, with Rebecca tagging along.


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