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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 476

Francis unconsciously lightened his steps as he approached the child.


With his cheeks all puffed up, James shook at the sound of his name, his whole little body jerking as he looked up, totally freaked out by the new guy.

"James..." Francis raised his hand, intending to pat his head.

But James quickly hopped off his chair and dashed to the orphanage director, clinging tightly to her and hiding behind her skirts.

Francis' hand hung in mid-air, touching nothing.

"This child..."

The director chuckled awkwardly, patting James on the head. "What's wrong, James? This is Mr. Francis. He's adopting you. You're going to be family."

"No!" James looked up, his big eyes brimming with earnest pleading. "Sir, I don't want to be adopted! I'm good, can I stay here, please?"

"James," the director sighed helplessly, "listen, with Mr. Francis, you'll live in a big house, eat tasty food, wear new clothes, and go to a good school..."

"No, I don't want to!"

No matter what the director said, James only cried and shook his head. "I don't want to!"

The director's eyes moistened with tears.

Looking to Francis, worried he might be upset, she said, "Mr. Francis, the child has had some hard times before. Please, don't mind it and give him some time."

"I understand."

With not a hint of displeasure, Francis, leaning on his cane, stepped forward and slowly squatted down, reaching out his hand to James.

"James, come here. Come to...," he hesitated, then added, "come to daddy."

James' small shoulders trembled, disbelief in his eyes. He looked to the director.

The director nodded, encouragingly patting his head. "Did you hear that? You have a daddy now. Mr. Francis is your daddy."


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