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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 488

"Bear with it, okay?"

Sherilyn was at a loss for words but patiently cooled the spoonful, "Here, this should be cool enough now."

"Okay." Gilbert opened his mouth to take a bite.

It wasn't hot anymore, but he was still dissatisfied, "This tastes terrible."

Sherilyn fought the urge to roll her eyes, "Just eat a little, will you? It's getting late and you haven't even started your morning treatment."

Gilbert stayed silent, just looking at her.

Sherilyn felt helpless, "What do you want to eat?"

"I want your homemade baked apples," Gilbert mumbled, pouting slightly.

"Alright," Sherilyn gave in like pacifying a child, "Finish your oatmeal, and I'll make you some this afternoon."

"Okay, fine."

Gilbert seemed finally content. After he finished eating and the nurse had administered his IV, Sherilyn prepared to head back to Golden Oak Manor.

It looked like she'd be spending a few days staying over at the hospital.

Even with a caregiver around, Gilbert only wanted her for every little thing, from fetching a glass of water to making tea.

When she mentioned leaving, Charles immediately offered to drive her.

Sherilyn understood his concern; he was worried she might not come back. "I appreciate it, then."

As they left, Gilbert had fallen asleep from the medication.

On the way back to Golden Oak Manor, Sherilyn called the part-time help, "It's me. Could you buy some apples? Yes... bake some apples."

Arriving at Golden Oak Manor, the help was already busy with the task.

After getting her things together, Sherilyn left, taking with her the baked apples Mr. Johnson specifically asked for.

Back at the hospital, Gilbert had just woken up, the nurse finishing up with his IV needle.


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