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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 510

Grateful in silence, Francis was truly a gem.

Just like always, whenever there was trouble, if he was around, he wouldn't just stand by.

Even though, he and Rebecca had only crossed paths a few times.

Last time, when Rebecca got hurt, it was Francis who stepped in to help.

With Francis there, Sherilyn felt a sense of stability, a calmness settled in her heart.

The emergency room doors swung open, and the doctor emerged.

"Doctor," Sherilyn approached, "how's my friend?"

The doctor frowned, looking troubled, "Everything else is manageable... but her eyes..."

After a moment of hesitation, he asked, "What about her family? For something this serious, nobody's come?"

Sherilyn was at a loss for words. How could she explain that Rebecca had been beaten by her own husband?

"Let's proceed with the hospital admission."

"Alright, Doctor."

It was Francis who took care of the admission, securing a private room.

Rebecca lay in bed, bandages wrapped around her arms and torso, especially around her eyes...

The doctor said, Rebecca's eyesight might be gone for good!


Rebecca leaned back against her pillow, reaching out into the air, "Where are you? Why's it so dark? Aren't the lights on?"

"Rebecca." Sherilyn couldn't hold back, her voice breaking with emotion.

Rebecca froze, sensing something was wrong, a chill settling in her heart. She reached up to feel her eyes, only to touch the bandages.

"My eyes..."

Sherilyn gripped her hand, unsure of what to say.

"I..." Rebecca's voice quivered. "Am I blind? Sherilyn? Tell me, am I blind?"

"Rebecca..." Sherilyn choked up, unable to give a false reassurance.

Her silence was answer enough.

"I'm blind?" Rebecca's voice shook, confirming her worst fear, "I'm blind, blind..."


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