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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 518

The moment was fleeting, yet the sour tinge at the tip of Sherilyn's nose was unbearable.

The last person who had cradled her feet to warm them was her grandma...

"What do you think?" Gilbert asked, his face beaming with a look that screamed 'praise me.' "Did I do good?"

"Uh..." Sherilyn's voice was hoarse as she nodded.

She dared not speak, fearing that her emotions might betray her control.

That's it? Not receiving the expected praise, Gilbert felt a tad disappointed.

His eyes twinkled mischievously as he teased, "Sweetheart, do you have athlete's foot or something?"

"What?" Sherilyn was taken aback. That was something she had never considered.

She mumbled, "No one's ever told me my feet stink."


Gilbert struggled to keep a straight face. "Who would tell you that to your face? They'd definitely talk behind your back."

That sorta made sense? Sherilyn was momentarily baffled.

"Not like me." Gilbert was enjoying this. "I'd tell you straight up."

"You're talking nonsense!" Sherilyn blushed, "Let me smell them then?"

Struggling, she tried to pull her foot away.

"Let me do the honors!"

Unable to contain himself any longer, Gilbert grabbed her foot and brought it close to his nose, taking a deep breath. "Mmm...smells great! Haha..."

Sherilyn paused, then caught on. He was teasing her!

"You're so annoying!"

She kicked him, "That's for messing with me!"

"I couldn't help it; your foot is even smaller than my palm, too adorable!"

Gilbert laughed out loud, kissing her foot gently, his eyes sparkling in the dimly lit car.

"Your feet don't stink; they're lovely."


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