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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 528

"Mr. Francis, don't worry."


At the TV station.

Forty minutes past the agreed time, and there was still no sign of Caroline.

The stars kept glancing at their watches, their patience wearing thin.

"Is she even going to show up?"

"Sure, she's a big deal, but we've got schedules too. Why should we all wait for her?"

"Keep it down, will you?"

"Why should we? It's not like being late is something to be proud of."

"Maybe we should have her assistant check in again?"

Lauren was getting anxious. Caroline had promised to be on time. What was going on?

Biting the bullet, she dialed Caroline's number again.

It rang for an eternity before being picked up. "Caroline, are you stuck in traffic or something?"

"I'm not making it tonight." Caroline's voice was cold and detached before the line went dead.


Lauren was stunned. Not coming?

Why couldn't she have given a heads up? How was Lauren supposed to explain this to everyone?

But Caroline was someone Lauren couldn't afford to offend, so with a heavy heart, she went back to the rehearsal room, offering apologetic smiles to everyone.

"Sorry, Caroline couldn't make it work with her schedule tonight, so we're calling off the rehearsal."

A murmur of complaints filled the room.

"She could've said something sooner instead of making us wait."

"Guess our time doesn't matter, huh?"

Lauren apologized profusely, "I'm really sorry, everyone... truly, I am."

She then turned to Sherilyn, "Ms. Sherilyn, I'm so sorry... for wasting your time."

"It's alright."


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