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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75 

Excuse me, Gilbert was about to sidestep Colin when he saw the girl before him turn around and look his way, raising her hand to her mask

Gilbert was shocked. Was she going to reveal her face? But she didn’t. Instead, the girl slightly lifted her mask, not showing anything, and laughed. Then, she turned and quickly 

Gilbert froze for a moment, caught between laughter and tears. Was she teasing him on purpood Herad to admit that she was good at it! A simple gesture had hooked him completely. And he wasn’t in a hurry anymore

That was interesten 

Well, he thought, Let’s wait and see. He was curious to see what face lay behind that mask Was it worth all the time and money he invested in this chase

Mr. Giber? Noticing Gilbert zoned out, Colin waved his hand in front of his face. You okay there? You look like you’ve had a bit too much to drink. Need a hand?” 

I’m fine Gilbert snapped back to reality and patted Colin on the shoulder. Cut the act, will you? I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt. If she’s not ready, I can wait.” 

Ah! Colin quickly picked up the conversation. You’re truly understanding.” 

Collin was always the smooth talke 

As soon as Gilbert left, Colin rushed off to find Sherilyn. Sherilyn, did you see that gentleman? That’s the onel Gilbert!Colin continued, “I told you, he’s not just some regular quy. He’s rich and handsome! With him in your corner, what more could you want?” 

There were things he felt weren’t his place to say just yet. The grand prize of the dance competition was a toast, but what about after that

Many who had left the Neon Nights Bar had gone on to mingle with the big shots of Surhaven But Sherilyn’s future? That was a topic for another time

Sherlyn smiled outwardly, but inside, she sighed. Colin would be disappointed

During the day, Sherilyn visited the Southern District Sanatorium

Sylva still couldn’t bathe, so Sherilyn came daily to wipe her down and help change her clothes. Though the nurses could do it, Sherilyn’s care made Sylvia feel more comfortable 

and relayed

Sherilyn, sorry for all the trouble. I really can’t thank you enough.Dressed in clean 

clothes and refreshed, Sylvia patted Sherilyn’s hand, Look, you’ve lost weight from all the work” 


Chapter 75 

No way.Sherilyn shook her head with a smile, I’ve always kept weight.” 

While saying so, she picked up the dirty clothes, Sylvia, I’ll take these to the nurse.” 

Sylvia smiled. Okay, dear.” 

After Sherilyn stepped out, her phone on the bedside table rang

Sylvia glanced at it, the screen flashing with the name Mr. Morris


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