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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 88

Chapter 88 

What is this?” 

Gilbert felt something grossly sticky under his foot that made his skin crawl

He whipped out his phone for a closer look and realized he’d stepped in some sort of food, gooey and sticky, like some kind of syrup

Ugh!Gilbert grimaced, shaking his foot vigorously before stalking off with a scowl

Behind him, Sherilyn burst through the door

She had just realized that her pumpkin pie, which she had accidentally tossed outside earlier, was now a smeared mess on the ground

Using her phone’s flashlight, she eventually found the splattered mess in a corner. It was completely trampled, its contents spilled all over

AhWith a sigh of regret, Sherilyn muttered. Well, can’t eat this now.” 

She turned to fetch a broom. It was her mess; naturally, she should clean it up

The small incident with the pumpkin pie didn’t linger in Sherilyn’s mind

The next morning, following the address Blake had sent her, Sherilyn arrived on time at the venue, along with a few other dance standins

To her surprise, Caleb was there too. They were also joined by the dance choreographer

I’ll keep it brief. I’ve communicated my expectations for the dance to the choreographer. The routines they’ve designed need to be practiced diligently by all of you. I expect a seamless performance during the shoot; we can’t afford any 


Caleb was known for insisting on a singletake performance, applying the rigorous standards of theater to his actors, including the standins

Got it.Sherilyn steeled herself mentally. But she wasn’t frightened; after all, a dancer’s job is to dance well

Throughout the morning, all the standins, under the choreographer’s guidance, practiced until they were drenched in sweat. Caleb’s standards were indeed high


And this was just one segment, reportedly the opening

It wasn’t until after 2 p.m. that the choreographer finally clapped his hands, signaling they could leave, but not without reminding them, Make sure to practice at home. You all know what Mr. Marshall expects.” 

Got it.” 


Packing up, Sherilyn felt her stomach rumble, hungry

They had provided lunch, but she had danced off those calories a long time ago. She debated whether to grab a burger or go home and make some pasta

But pasta would mean going all the way home, and she was too hungry to wait

Opting for convenience, Sherilyn stopped by a nearby burger joint and grabbed a burger to eat on the go

Sherilyn?Suddenly, someone called her name

Startled, Sherilyn looked up to see a middleaged man standing a few steps away

The man stared at her unblinkingly, as if afraid she’d disappear the moment he blinked


He took a couple of steps closer, a look of joy spreading across his face

It really is you! You’ve grown so much, I almost didn’t recognize youHe trailed off


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