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Winner Takes All novel Chapter 155

In the small courtyard, a gentle breeze blew and the fragrance of flowers was all around.

But Amber stood still and her expression was not as radiant as before. Her expression was gloomy and her eyes were wandering.

The thing in the envelope was like a thunderbolt on a clear day that destroyed her wonderful mood and immediately throw her into a depression. It was a photograph! In the photograph was Jack and Katherine facing each other at the Blue Rose Western Restaurant. Were they together again? If so, then why did he want to propose to me?

At that moment, Amber was flustered and her mind was blank. She stuffed the photograph back into the envelope and turned to enter the room.

Steve and Rosie were drinking tea and were startled when they saw Amber. The couple saw the staff of the Four Impressions Club deliver an envelope and saw their daughter’s behavior change immediately after she looked at the contents of the envelope.

“Amber, what was in it?” Steve asked.

Amber walked in and hurriedly hid the envelope behind her. She looked at her parents and shook her head and forced a smile, “Nothing, it’s nothing, father.”

After she said, she turned to walk to the bedroom. How could her actions escape the eyes of Steve and Rosie? Steve wanted to rush to question her but was stopped by Rosie.

“She already said that it was nothing,” Rosie said.

Steve became anxious, “Do you believe her when she said that there was nothing?”

“Our daughter has grown up.” Rosie shook her head helplessly, “You cannot always protect her like a little girl. You will only make things difficult for her if you force her to tell you things that she doesn’t wish to say.”

Steve paused and ground his teeth helplessly.

Back in her bedroom, Amber took out the photograph again and looked at it in a daze. Her eyes slowly turned red and her nose started to water. No matter how she endured, the tears started to drop from the corner of her eyes.

Amber collapsed into the bed and used the pillow to cover her head and then pulled up the blanket to cover herself entirely. She was worried that her parents would hear her cries and cause them to worry.

Just as Amber was hurting to the core.

At the DT Real Estate Agency.

Lone Wolf placed an envelope onto Jack’s table.

“Who delivered it?” Jack asked.

Lone Wolf shook his head and said, “The security guard of the building picked it up from the ground. The envelope has your name on it and so he brought it up.”

“Next time just throw away things like that,” Jack said and waved for Lone Wolf to leave.

He hesitated for a moment before opening the envelope. A photograph and a note fell out of it at the same time. When he saw the photograph, a ‘boom’ exploded in Jack’s head. His calm expression suddenly turned ferocious and furious. The veins at the corner of his eyes started to throb and twitch.

It was a photograph of him sitting opposite Katherine. That was a very short meeting to bid farewell to her. But the photograph seemed to capture a different meaning. He picked up the note furiously, ground his teeth, and he pinched the note so tightly that the note ripped.

The message was simple: Give me a hundred million if you don’t want Amber to find out!

There was an account number below the words. As he saw the account number, Jack’s fury raged intensely. He ground his teeth and said, “So you’ve planned and intentionally blackmail?”

Jack was familiar with this account number because, over the previous three years, most of his money was transferred to this account to satisfy the Parry family’s appetite! This was Katherine’s bank card!

“Katherine, okay, you’re ruthless! You people of the Parry family are ruthless!”


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