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Winner Takes All novel Chapter 160

It was a sunny day.

Although it was a hot summer day, it felt refreshing at the TM Villa because it was located next to a forest. Mr. Ward sat comfortably on the swing in the garden and swinging leisurely.

Brent was still in the hospital and was awake but needed to remain in the hospital for a while more. Daisy devoted all her attention to take care of him.

Sophie left the villa after lunch. Mr. Ward knew where Sophie went but had no right to interfere because of his status. He also didn’t dare to inform Jack because he didn’t doubt that Sophie would still be determined to go.

He was the only one left in the huge villa and there was a feeling of emptiness. But Mr. Ward didn’t mind and felt at ease. He strokes a purple clay teapot in his hand and leaned back into the swing to relax. But a telephone call ended his peace.

He looked at the phone and “Old Master” was displayed on the screen and Mr. Ward immediately turned serious.

“Old Master, what’re your instructions?”

“Did you say that Jack will be proposing at the end of the month?”

With regards to this issue, Mr. Ward had reported to Patrick when Jack decided to propose. Now it was already close to the end of the month.

“Old Master, it would be on the last day of the month.” Mr. Ward said.

“Okay, I’m Jack’s father and should do something.” In the call, Patrick sounded remorseful, “As his father, I had missed out on Jack’s upbringing and his first marriage. Now that I’m around for his second marriage, I must make up for it.”

“Old Master, I, your servant will make the necessary arrangements. You are busy with the Hughes family matters. If you associate yourself too closely to Young Master, I’m afraid that Madam Hughes…” Mr. Ward was worried.

But before he could finish, Patrick scoffed and Mr. Ward was startled.

Patrick said sharply, “They still think that I’m the Patrick of the past. Don’t they know who decides the affairs in the Hughes Family? If Madam Hughes dared to stir any trouble, as the head of Hughes family, I’ll get her into the ancestral hall to receive the incense offerings!”

His tone was sharp and ruthless. Even Mr. Ward felt a chill run down his spine when he heard this.

“You don’t have to persuade me. Just concentrate on arranging for Jack’s marriage proposal. You don’t have to worry about my portion.”

Bang! The phone call ended.

Mr. Ward smiled bitterly and was full of anticipation, “Even Old Master would now be helping Master Hughes to propose. Just imagine how grand that day’s proposal will be!”

He rubbed his chin and laughed heartily, “Steve always wanted Hughes’ family’s help to take his achievements to a higher level. If he knew that half of his life’s efforts was achieved by his daughter in three years to be married to the successor of the Hughes family, I wonder what will be his reaction.”

Mr. Ward was imagining how Steve’s reaction would be on that day. His smile was increasingly strange as he sat leisurely on the swing as he swung slowly, “Fate… it’s indescribably beautiful!”

At this moment, the main doors of the villa opened. Sophie came home.

Mr. Ward subconsciously looked over, frowned and his heart skipped a beat. Sophie lowered her head and walked briskly into the garden. But Mr. Ward noticed that there were red finger marks on Sophie’s face!

“Madam, were you slapped?” Mr. Ward got up and tried to stop Sophie.

“None of your business.” Sophie walked around Mr. Ward and continued into the villa, “Mr. Ward, please do not inform Jack. I will resolve this matter properly.”


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