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Winner Takes All novel Chapter 36

They arrived at the Vigny restaurant where Jack had western food for the first time years ago. It was Amber's treat at that time.

Also, they used to gather with Katherine and friends here when they were in university.

Before Amber went abroad 3 years ago, she arranged her farewell party in this restaurant too.

So this restaurant meant a lot to them.

"Workaholic, I didn't expect you still remember this place."

Amber said surprisedly as she flung her wet hair and stared at the glistening doorway of the restaurant with deep eyes.

"How can I forget?" Jack said with a bitter smile.

But Amber wrinkled her nose as she said, "You are too stinky though. Now you are a deputy general manager of DT real estate agency. I come back all this way, while you take me to such a restaurant?"

Over the past 3 years, Amber had always been concerned about Jack and Katherine, though she was abroad.

Otherwise, she wouldn't send a message to Jack when he divorced Katherine.

In her view, Jack was really awesome for he became the deputy general manager of DT after 3 years of graduation.

And that might be the best he could do with his background.

"Then which restaurant do you prefer? It’s up to you. My treat," said Jack with a gentle smile.

"Well. Here is fine." Amber said with a pout as she got off the car.

She knew Jack enjoyed a high salary as a deputy general manager but had mostly spent on Katherine and his mother’s hospital bill. So she didn't want to trouble him.

Getting off the car all wet, they just walked into the restaurant while they caught all diners’ eyes.

They sat down and ordered food. Soon their dishes were served.

They ate and chatted delightfully. But both of them didn't mention Katherine.

Amber didn’t want to upset Jack, and Jack didn't want to affect Amber's mood.

Amber smiled and blinked her eyes, "By the way, I want to look for a job since I'm back. Will you hire me to work at your company, Jack?"

Jack was startled with a bitter smile, "Oh, dear, are you sick really?"

"You are sick with an unclear mind," Amber rolled her eyes. They used to chat jokingly like this when they were in university.

Jack sighed in purpose, "Alright. You are such a gorgeous and wealthy girl. Why do you consider working so fast as you’ve just come back?"

He basically knew a little about Amber's family.

Wasn't it a joke for such a signature wealthy beauty to work at DT real estate agency?

‘How can I help you if I don't go to work?’ Amber thought. Looking at Jack with a soft smile, however, she said helplessly, "My father will let me take over the family business if I can’t find an ideal job."

Jack was speechless for a while.

Then Amber said, "Fine. Since you don't wanna hire me, Jack, I'll just work at my father's company."

Nodding his head, Jack didn't continue, for he didn't intend to interfere with her personal affairs.

They went back in the car happily after dinner.

"Can I go to your house?" Amber asked as she pointed at her wet skirt, "I want to take a hot shower and change my wet clothes."

Jack raised his eyebrows as he thought it awkward to let her stay in his small dirty apartment.

And Brent also lived in there.

Jack shook his head as he said, "That’s a rented apartment and it's too messy. I'd rather book you a comfortable hotel room."

Rented apartment?

Amber frowned and looked at Jack with sympathy.

He had suffered too much for the 3 years when she wasn't here.

Amber nodded with a smile, "Alright."

"Let's go to Tyson Hotel," said Jack.


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