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Winner Takes All novel Chapter 57

In the coming few days, Jack focused all his concentration on the preparation of the pre-sale event of West Shantytowns.

He had been building up the momentum for the past one month, and he couldn’t allow any opening for mistakes to strike.

As the date got closer to the event date, posters detailing the information of the pre-sale of the units in West Shantytowns could be seen plastered all over the walls and lamp posts of the streets.

The citizens were also including the West Shantytown properties in their conversation topic.

It was as if the attention of the whole city had inadvertently shifted to this particular area in West Shantytowns.

All the citizens who could afford the properties looked like they were raring to go. They were waiting for their opportunities.

They knew very well that if they acquired the properties in West Shantytowns before the YK Group had entered the local market, the price of the properties would soar after the YK Group settled down and took over the local market.

For them, buying the properties now would mean earning money without putting in any effort. The prospect of such an investment would rile up everybody’s enthusiasm.

There were even people with internal connections who were starting to warm up their connections in preparation for carrying out inside procurement.

Jack would have taken into account such possibilities.

He had been in the industry for three years, so naturally he understood that he couldn’t prevent all the inside procurement that was going to happen.

However, he didn’t plan to allow too many instances of inside procurement to happen. He was at the helm of this project for the first time, and he wanted the impact of his project to go far and wide and shatter the expectations in the city.

If most of the units had been sold out due to inside procurement, how could the actual day of the pre-sales event become the talk of the town?

If news of inside procurement were to leak out to the masses, with the hopes and dreams harbored by most citizens towards the West Shantytown properties, the reputation of DT real estate agency would definitely suffer.

Therefore, he had delegated a task to Corbin to round up their connections which had too strong of a backing to allow inside procurement for them. For the others, he decided to reject them fully.

The news that the DT real estate agency was refusing to allow inside procurement spread like wildfire among the masses.

People were talking about it everywhere.

There were countless people who wanted to own a unit in West Shantytowns, but those with real connections were only a portion of the population. Most of the citizens still needed to fight for their spots themselves.

The reason the DT real estate agency rejected inside procurement for the most part was because they wanted everyone to have a chance at buying the properties sold here.

They were really a benevolent company!

As the news spread, ordinary citizens who didn’t have any connections in the industry all became agitated with excitement. They all prayed that they would be able to buy at least one unit in this pre-sale event.

For all the other property developers, they couldn’t help being envious of DT real estate agency.

All the while, they always had a hard time selling off all their units. They had to create enough buzz in order to pique the interest of the public, otherwise the sales numbers would really be devastating.

However, looking at West Shantytowns, its initial thirty million yuan contract signed by the DT real estate agency had made them the laughing stock of the industry. Nevertheless, things had taken a turn for the better and a storm was being kicked up in the city.

In the TM Villa district, Aiden was scouring the news about West Shantytowns, and he had a smile on his face while he pushed the gold-rimmed glasses which was perched on top of his nose.

“A golden carp is never one to dwell in the depths of the pond. Come the rumbling of the heavens, it will transform into a dragon and soar high in the sky. Jack, you are really something. The DT real estate agency is a valuable piece of inheritance that I have left behind for Ben so that his latter years could be taken care of, but I never thought that because of you, the company is going to rise to the top of the industry.”

Aiden had been cementing his status in the industry after so many years, but this was the first time he had witnessed such an explosive and anticipated pre-sales event.

With the rumors and discussion flying around, nobody would doubt the outcome of this pre-sales event.

It was destined to become the center of attention!

After letting out a sigh, a solemn and grave expression appeared on Aiden’s face, “I am still curious about Mr. Ward’s departure. What has actually happened? Was my decision to take a gamble last time a correct one?”

With Aiden’s standing in the industry, he knew very well what would have possibly happened to Jack. He also knew about the culprit manipulating things from behind the scenes that led to mass boycott by some materials suppliers.

Before Jack had come to him to seek help, he had secretly made up his mind.

On the other hand, he knew very well that he couldn’t offend George with his formidable background.

If his gamble didn’t pay off, the whole thing would deal him a massive blow that would be hard for him to recover from.

With a shake of his head, Aiden tried to dismiss his worrisome heart, “I am beginning to look forward to your performance on the fifteenth.”

In the Parry family house, as the rumors about West Shantytowns continued to spread, Kieran, Elissa and Tommy all had a difficult expression on their faces.

Elissa even took every opportunity she could get and reprimand Katherine every time she was reminded about West Shantytowns.

According to how hot the market was currently, if they had long ago bought a unit in West Shantytowns, they would have been very well-off now.

Not only they could fulfill the amount needed for Tommy’s dowry, they would also be able to take it easy for the rest of their lives with the remaining amount of fortune.

At that moment, such speculations were all imaginary and unrealistic.

They could only be an onlooker this time considering the outlandishly cheap prices of the units in West Shantytowns.

Katherine felt so pressured that she didn’t even dare to return home but instead, she had been staying over in a hotel room.

She didn’t want to face all the hatred and resentment thrown at her by her family members if she was to return home.


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