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Winner Takes All novel Chapter 645

The thunderous roar of fighter planes ravaged the night sky, resounding through the city.

They attracted the attention of the whole city.

Just like a huge bomb was exploded and it woke up the whole city instantly through the darkness of the night and residents were no longer sleepy.

All the people in the city exclaimed and panic.

As the planes lowered their altitude one by one, their frightening pressure was as if the sky was falling. It made the crowd in front of the LJ Hospital cried out in alarm then suddenly became deathly quiet.

Looking at the fighter planes, everyone was dumbfounded and felt extremely horrified .


As they were sleeping, they were all woken up by a phone call that they needed to donate blood.

Generally speaking, most people don’t oppose when it comes to saving others.

After rushing to the LJ Hospital and seeing the huge crowd of people, they were all shocked of such a big scene of blood donation..

But when they all saw the fighter planes that were roaring above their heads, they finally realized what the big scene was.

The person needed to be saved… who would it be?

Simultaneously, in a moment of shock and alarm, there was a doubt rose in everyone’s mind.

The fighter planes did not land.

The terrain in front of the LJ Hospital was not suitable for landing.

After lowering their altitude to a certain height, rope ladders were dropped. Figures descended to the ground along the rope ladder.

Looking at the people who came down from the fighter plane one after the other and immediately rushed hurriedly into the LJ Hospital.

Everyone was looking at them with all their attention.

Shock, astonished, confused, unbelievable... some of them even looked a bit horrified.

They were all wrapped up in different emotions.

The news reporters who had set up their cameras outside also sank into a strange dullness.

So many people donated blood.

Even the fighter planes arrived.

Who was being rescued at LJ Hospital?

Suddenly, a middle-aged news reporter suddenly deviated his head from behind the camera to the side.

He pushed his glasses up in disbelief as he looked at a figure coming down from the fighter plane and suddenly exclaimed.

“Incomparable national scholar! Is that the head of the medical world… Jeremy?!”


As soon as he said that it was as if a bomb had dropped on the crowd.

Everyone exclaimed and screamed, suddenly exploded noisily.

“Jeremy? My God! He is at the top talent of the medical field!”

“My God! I know who that is. Apart from Jeremy, there is also the head of surgery, Ian!”

“Look, is that Ryan?, the one who is internationally famous and every major medical school wants to hire as a professor?”


Among the crowd, whoever recognized the people who got off the fighter plane, they were all shocked as if they were struck by lightning.

Even some who didn’t know the people who got off the fighter plane exclaimed along with the others.

They may not match each person with their names but they must be familiar with the names for sure.

These people were the most prestigious… the most reputable Head Doctors in the world!

They could be called incomparable national scholars!

By just a stomp of their feet they could bring a terrifying earthquake in the world of medicine!

This lineup could be called the top and the strongest lineup in the world of medicine.

A collection of superstars, unique and unmatched.

As they all stood there shocked, the curiosity in their mind became much stronger.

Then… who was the person being saved at the LJ Hospital tonight?

Who could attract so many people to donate blood? Even the fighter planes came and the top doctors gathered in the middle of the night. If this wasn’t a god, then who could it be?

After coming back to their senses, all the media reporters pointed their camera towards the Head Doctors that rushed into the hospital. The flashing lights instantly illuminated the entire area in front of the LJ Hospital as bright as daylight.

“Quick! Take the pictures! This kind of medical lineup is number one in the world. When this news released, it will absolutely shock the world!”

“My God! Someone help me press the shutter, my hands are shaking. This is too terrifying, too breaking!”

“Big news, shocking news. Even for the top medical conferences, it’s hard for all of the top State Head Doctor to get together, right?”


The media reporters went crazy.

While being frantic to take the pictures, they didn’t notice.

Figures of people quietly walking out of the crowd one by one.

Traveling among the crowd, some of them quietly moved to the area where the media reporters were.

Inside the LJ hospital.

The door of the emergency operating room was roughly opened.

Director Lansing ran out in astonishment and exclaimed at Jack, “Jack, who on earth did you call? Why is there the roar of fighter planes outside? Such a huge movement?”

Jack rubbed his nose and smiled meaningfully, “Perhaps it can be said that… the gods of the medical world have descended.”


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