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Winner Takes All novel Chapter 778

In one sentence, it seemed as if the sky collapsed.

Suddenly, Saxon stopped crying, he felt so desperate like there was total darkness in front of him.

It made people around him feel shocked.

Tonight…there was no more Turner family in South Maine.

How much bold did it take to say such shocking sentence.

Turner family was the sky of South Maine.

If someone cut off the relationship tonight.

Then South Maine would become…

“You heard that?”

Marshall walked to Saxon with his blood-stained face, his ferocious expression gone, replaced by coldness, like a evil spirit hunting for life, “The words of the master ought to be obeyed.”


Holding the last trace of luck, Saxon shouted in fear.

What happened tonight, the sudden turn of events, it still felt unreal and seemed like a dream despite his experiences.

He never thought that he would fall from heaven to hell in an instant.



Marshall’s bloody face was filled with killing intention.

Like a beast, he rushed in front of Saxon.

While the screaming was heard.

Marshall slammed a heavy punch, directly on Saxon’s face.

Blood spattered.

Saxon fell back to the ground in response.



The cold light flashed.

Splashes of blood.


There was a sudden dead silence on the road.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and their eyes were almost falling to the ground.

This scene happened so fast that everyone could scream out only when it happened, and then it returned to a static state like a computer going off.

“Tonight…there is no more Turner family in South Maine.”

Marshall slowly got up and roared, “All of you, be gone!”

A command was given.

Ten hovering helicopters in the sky roared and descended.

The crowd did not move.

But Mr. Ward pushed Jack and headed towards a helicopter with Amber and Brent.

Marshall asked his people to take Shirley and Austin who had fainted to the plane.

Leaving a few people to clear the scene.

The helicopter disappeared into the night sky magnificently.

Until the helicopter disappeared completely.

The crowd had not gotten back their senses yet; they were all stunned and chilled.

After a long silence.

An incredulous voice was finally heard from the crowd.

“What, what happened just now? Why do I feel like dreaming?”

The voice trembled so much, even with a hint of crying.

When the words were heard.

It seemed as if the water was poured into the frying pan, instantly causing everyone to explode.

Roaring and screaming.

Everyone thought it was a dream, as it felt too unreal.


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