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Winner Takes All novel Chapter 84

Lone Wolf and Corbin returned to Jack's office and they roughly discussed the method of handling.

After listening to it, Jack just gave a short response indifferently and told Lone Wolf and Corbin to go out.

Just now when Lone Wolf spoke, Jack received a lot of WeChat notifications.

After Lone Wolf and Corbin went out, Jack took his phone and opened his WeChat.

Once he saw it, his pupils tightened and his expression changed drastically.

His anger flared up.

Each and every WeChat message that Shirley sent was like a knife that pierced his heart.

He was furious!


Jack slammed the desk.

The loud noise shocked the workers who were outside the office.

What happened?

To all the employees, Jack had always been the calm type.

Since he was the vice president until he was in control of DT, he had never lost his self-control like that!

Even when DT was acquired by Ben and DT was almost predicted to be bankrupt, Jack was never that furious either!

In the office.

Jack sat quietly on the chair. He clenched his fists so tightly that there were sounds.

He gritted his teeth as there were anger in his eyes.

At that moment, he looked so infuriated.

“Shirley, you're... Triggering my most sensitive part!”

One must die for triggering other’s most sensitive part!

Amber returned to the country and stayed by his side at his hardest time.

Even if he had Mr. Ward's help and it was going good too... Amber kept staying by his side, giving him warmth and encouragement for so many times.

In his heart, Amber's position was the same as his mother's!

But then... Shirley unexpectedly wanted to break them up.

His phone rang.

It was a call from Amber.

Jack was so surprised that his heart was beating hard.

He had never been so flustered before.

Even his right hand trembled when he held the phone.

He softly swiped, accepting the call.

He spoke first, “Amber, I'll go and find you.”

“No need, Jack.”

Amber's cold and weak voice from the phone made Jack feel discouraged in an instant.

Soon, he heard Amber's voice again, “Jack... Let's meet up at night. Don't come over now, we need to calm down for some moment.”


She just hung up.

Jack's heart twitched.

After some time had passed, he directly called Shirley.

Right after the call was connected.

Jack roared with his hoarse voice, “Shirley, you're playing with fire!”

“So you're finally looking for me?”

Shirley sounded quite proud, “Jack, you forced me to! You clearly knew that I like you and you're hanging me on purpose. I even gave you myself on that night and you still treat me so coldly... Then you expressed your love for Amber, what do you regard me as?”

“A manipulative bitch!”

Jack didn't hesitate at all because he was furious.

He just blurted that out.

The other end of the call became silent.

After a few seconds.


Shirley suddenly screamed.

Soon after, she cried, “Jack, you can't humiliate my like that! I-I really like you... W-why are you humiliating me like that?”

Her cry was so heartbreaking like she was really the victim.

Jack's eyes looked fierce as he smiled in disdain.

While boasting that she was conservative and reserved, she made Tommy as her squanderer and she also seduced the bank manager.

That's not bitchy enough?

Jack coldly said, “I hope you won't regret for the price you'll have to pay!”


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