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Winner Takes All novel Chapter 900

The air itself seemed to freeze.

Murderous aura was seeping through Achilles’ body, and it even overwhelmed the bone-biting cold brought on by the blizzard.

Jack turned his head around to look downwards. The bristling storm had made visibility very low. Everything was a faint white. He couldn’t make out anything at all!

“Sergeant White, is there people approaching from below?”

Debut was very flustered.

When everyone saw Achilles whip out his weapon, their tension turned up a notch.

Achilles was looking gravely white as he didn’t say anything.

His brows were locked and his pupils were contracted. He was focusing all of his attention on the whiteness below.

At the same time, there were faint sounds like arrow being sent out in the distance.

The sound continued to break the silence at regular intervals, and they seemed to come from both the right and left direction.

Every one of those sounds were pricking the nerves of Jack and the gang.

At that moment, putting aside Jack, even Debut and his team was focusing their attention on any movements below them.

They wanted to make out what was going to happen in the stark darkness of night.

The blizzard continued to billow, further decreasing their visibility.

This nauseating sense of foreboding caused everyone to reach their breaking points. Each of their nerves were turned up a huge notch.

“What is actually approaching us?”

Debut’s brows continued to furrow.

However, nobody answered him at the moment.

With a crunching sound, Jack slowly raised his bow and arrows in anticipation like Achilles. He aimed it at a point in space below them.

He wasn’t sure what was approaching them, but he had to be alert just like Achilles. They couldn’t go wrong this way.

For a soldier, it was only natural for them to defend!

Debut, Cole and Yarol all exchanged glances.

Although they were confused, but they mimicked Jack and turned around to search for their bows.

However, just as they were busy searching for them, there were incessant stomping just outside the fortress, as if a huge army was making their way towards them on feet.

The sound was like a huge wave and immediately the stomping became very evident.

And soon, the sound reached deafening volume.

The sudden rumbling sound hinted at a huge army running towards them, which made Jack furrow his brows in confusion.

And Debut and his team who were searching for bows were immediately sunken into a frenzy.

Nobody expected that in such a low visibility, there would be such a frightening scene unfolding right in front of their eyes.

The sound even made them feel that the ground underneath their feet was shaking more and more violently as it got louder.

“What is going on down there?” Jack asked in a hushed tone.

Achilles who was on guard and didn’t say a thing suddenly answered, and his reply immediately stunned Jack and Debut.

He said, “The cows!”

It was a simple reply, but Jack and the others were dumbfounded.

At that moment, Debut and his team finally found their bow and arrows, and they were standing at the top of the fortress, their bows stretching to their limits.

Debut asked frantically, “Sergeant White, if they are just cows, aren’t we being way too exaggerated? Those animals won’t be able to breach our fortress!”

Just as he finished his sentence, Achilles roared with a single instruction, “Shoot!”

With a whipping and slashing sound, the arrow which was being elastically pulled to its limit was let go, and it immediately careened towards the murky area below.

In the muffled sound of blizzard, a cow’s dilapidated groan could be heard. It was so loud that it was echoing in the sky.

At the same time, countless arrows were being sent out by the guards on the fortress which were slashing through the air.

In the dark depths of the fortress below, successive moaning and groaning could be heard from the cows.


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