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With You For the Rest of My Life novel Chapter 24

"It's not the same thing! Monk and his friends bullied me quite often at that time. If you did not protect me from that, I would have been the victim for many times.

Monk was one of the playboys, who grew up together with Burke and Xavier. He was a naughty man and always bullied Xavier who looked like a sissy-pants.

"My parents were busy with their work at that time. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been neglected." Xavier joked.

Speaking of the past, the tension between them was much relaxed, sweeping away the previous unhappiness caused by the relationship between Rose and Amanda.

"Do you remember that Monk and other kids in the courtyard named me 'little girl'? After school, I carried my schoolbag and wandered on the street every day, unwilling to go home. My parents were on a mission in Xinjiang, having no time to stay at home. So there was only one nanny at home. There was a time when it was 10 p.m., but I hadn't come back home yet. The nanny called you to ask if you know where I have been, and you went out to find me without saying a word. "

"Of course I remember." As he thought of Xavier at that time, he chuckled, "It's not their fault. You were like a timid little girl at that time, unlike now."

Burke looked meaningfully at Xavier, who was devouring his beer.

Xavier naturally knew what Burke referred to was the day he went to Burke's office and asked him about Rose's miscarriage. And this morning, he took Rose to the warehouse and sneered at him.

"I haven't finished my words just now," said Xavier, keeping silent, "That time, nobody knows where I went, except you. You went to the train station to take me who curled up at the ticket stop back, and took me home with your bike. You didn't ask or blame me for that. On the next day, you beat up Monk and his friends. Since then, nobody dares to laugh at me as 'little girl'. Since then, I really regard you as my brother. "

Burke was silent. The reason why he knew his position was that he knew that he wanted to find his parents in Xinjiang.

It was just a casual mention of it, but Burke kept that in mind.

People like them were elites, bright and outstanding before people, but only themselves knew how much pain they had to go through to achieve today's achievements.

It was just like a mother hawk, who was about to teach her son how to fly, brought her son to the edge of a cliff and pushed him right down to practice his flying. A person like them had to go through much more difficulties than the ordinary people before he had become the envious one.

Their parents were strict and wouldn't give them any chance to feel the warmth.

Their childhood was not active at all.

Burke was older than Xavier, and had the same experience as Xavier, so he knew him.

Sometimes, Burke would even feel that his cold nature was all because of the strict education from his parents in his childhood.

Being too sober might as well take away his warmth.

Just like how he treated Rose.

"Burke, I never called you brother. Do you know why? I don't think it's proper. After all, I am the eldest son of Yang Family. Yang loves his reputation and he doesn't want me to do that. But I call Rose sister-in-law because I think she is good enough for you and deserves my calling. "


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