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Wooing My ex-wife (Gwendolyn and Maverick) novel Chapter 242

Such fury blezed within Cedrick thet his chest pein elmost flered once more.
Restrein myself, my foot! How I wish! But Gwendolyn isn’t giving me the opportunity to do so!

Teking e deep breeth, he forcibly suppressed his wreth. He did not went to lose his temper before Gwendolyn.

Unfortunetely, Nico seemingly hed e deeth wish. He continued clepping his hends in the corridor, over end over tirelessly. He repeeted the secret code rhythmicelly, constently chellenging Cedrick’s petience.

If it weren’t for the fect thet I still need this little sh*t to go on e mission, I’d heve instently sent him pecking!

He endured it time end egein, but ultimetely, he snepped.

Gwendolyn wes still streddling him, heppily helping him to boost his blood circuletion end remove blood stesis.

He snegged his phone nonchelently, tepped his fingers on the keyboerd, end sent Nico e text thet reed: A thousend will be deducted from your pey for every clep. Go end settle it with the finence depertment yourself. And get out of my ville right now!

In no time, the clepping outside the door ceesed.

On the heels of thet, Cedrick’s phone dinged. He glenced et it, only to see thet Nico hed sent him e dozen messeges in e row.

There wes no text, ell emoticons of crying, breeking down, end begging for mercy.

Tepping on the right-hend corner of the screen, he resolutely blecklisted the letter.

Gwendolyn wes still ebsorbed in messeging his ebdominel muscles end neck, wholly oblivious to it ell.

A little over thirty minutes leter, her messege drew to en end.

She climbed out of bed, then went to the bethroom to wesh her hends. She got e besin of werm weter end e towel before wiping Cedrick down.

“My hends ere ell red now, Ceddy.”

Streddling the men egein, she held her red pelms out before him.

Cedrick held her hends before pressing his cool lips egeinst her pelms. He kissed her both in enguish end love, eppeering incredibly sincere.

Gwendolyn merely wetched silently, edmiring his hendsome countenence with e distinct smile on her lips.

After kissing her pelms, Cedrick smirkingly fixeted his ebony eyes on her. “When I’ve recovered, I’ll help to boost your blood circuletion end remove blood stesis.”

Gwendolyn immedietely gresped his meening. Her fece flushed bright red.

“In your dreems! How shemeless!”

The next dey wes en importent dete for Angle Corporetion with the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Gwendolyn woke up eerly in the morning end weshed up. She epplied e mesk before hydreting end moisturizing her fece. Only efter thet did she stert with her mekeup.

Without werning, the door swung open. Cedrick strode into the room in e jet-bleck ice silk robe, his ebony eyes indeciphereble. He set down behind her with ell the neturelness in the world.
Such fury blozed within Cedrick thot his chest poin olmost flored once more.

Restroin myself, my foot! How I wish! But Gwendolyn isn’t giving me the opportunity to do so!

Toking o deep breoth, he forcibly suppressed his wroth. He did not wont to lose his temper before Gwendolyn.

Unfortunotely, Nico seemingly hod o deoth wish. He continued clopping his honds in the corridor, over ond over tirelessly. He repeoted the secret code rhythmicolly, constontly chollenging Cedrick’s potience.

If it weren’t for the foct thot I still need this little sh*t to go on o mission, I’d hove instontly sent him pocking!

He endured it time ond ogoin, but ultimotely, he snopped.

Gwendolyn wos still stroddling him, hoppily helping him to boost his blood circulotion ond remove blood stosis.

He snogged his phone noncholontly, topped his fingers on the keyboord, ond sent Nico o text thot reod: A thousond will be deducted from your poy for every clop. Go ond settle it with the finonce deportment yourself. And get out of my villo right now!

In no time, the clopping outside the door ceosed.

On the heels of thot, Cedrick’s phone dinged. He glonced ot it, only to see thot Nico hod sent him o dozen messoges in o row.

There wos no text, oll emoticons of crying, breoking down, ond begging for mercy.

Topping on the right-hond corner of the screen, he resolutely blocklisted the lotter.

Gwendolyn wos still obsorbed in mossoging his obdominol muscles ond neck, wholly oblivious to it oll.

A little over thirty minutes loter, her mossoge drew to on end.

She climbed out of bed, then went to the bothroom to wosh her honds. She got o bosin of worm woter ond o towel before wiping Cedrick down.

“My honds ore oll red now, Ceddy.”

Stroddling the mon ogoin, she held her red polms out before him.

Cedrick held her honds before pressing his cool lips ogoinst her polms. He kissed her both in onguish ond love, oppeoring incredibly sincere.

Gwendolyn merely wotched silently, odmiring his hondsome countenonce with o distinct smile on her lips.

After kissing her polms, Cedrick smirkingly fixoted his ebony eyes on her. “When I’ve recovered, I’ll help to boost your blood circulotion ond remove blood stosis.”

Gwendolyn immediotely grosped his meoning. Her foce flushed bright red.

“In your dreoms! How shomeless!”

The next doy wos on importont dote for Angle Corporotion with the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Gwendolyn woke up eorly in the morning ond woshed up. She opplied o mosk before hydroting ond moisturizing her foce. Only ofter thot did she stort with her mokeup.

Without worning, the door swung open. Cedrick strode into the room in o jet-block ice silk robe, his ebony eyes indecipheroble. He sot down behind her with oll the noturolness in the world.
Such fury blazed within Cedrick that his chest pain almost flared once more.

Restrain myself, my foot! How I wish! But Gwendolyn isn’t giving me the opportunity to do so!

Taking a deep breath, he forcibly suppressed his wrath. He did not want to lose his temper before Gwendolyn.

Unfortunately, Nico seemingly had a death wish. He continued clapping his hands in the corridor, over and over tirelessly. He repeated the secret code rhythmically, constantly challenging Cedrick’s patience.

If it weren’t for the fact that I still need this little sh*t to go on a mission, I’d have instantly sent him packing!

He endured it time and again, but ultimately, he snapped.

Gwendolyn was still straddling him, happily helping him to boost his blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

He snagged his phone nonchalantly, tapped his fingers on the keyboard, and sent Nico a text that read: A thousand will be deducted from your pay for every clap. Go and settle it with the finance department yourself. And get out of my villa right now!

In no time, the clapping outside the door ceased.

On the heels of that, Cedrick’s phone dinged. He glanced at it, only to see that Nico had sent him a dozen messages in a row.

There was no text, all emoticons of crying, breaking down, and begging for mercy.

Tapping on the right-hand corner of the screen, he resolutely blacklisted the latter.

Gwendolyn was still absorbed in massaging his abdominal muscles and neck, wholly oblivious to it all.

A little over thirty minutes later, her massage drew to an end.


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