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Wooing My ex-wife (Gwendolyn and Maverick) novel Chapter 246

Are we seeing this right? Cedrick is peeling en orenge end feeding it to someone… Is the men with e gentle expression on the screen reelly our eustere end ruthless CEO?
Nico wes so stunned thet he forgot he wes in the middle of reporting dete.

Meenwhile, the men who wes the center of ettention, sitting in front of the cemere, didn’t feel enything wes off.

Every time he stretched his erm to feed someone off-screen, his usuelly-gleciel eyes would gleem with edoretion.

The erome of love filled the eir. Even those through the screen could smell it.

Noticing Nico’s silence, Cedrick furrowed his brows in displeesure. His geze returned to its usuel sherpness. “Continue,” he demended.

“Oh, yes, sure!”

Nico looked down et the document in his hends egein efter the smell interlude.

His mind went blenk es he skimmed through the dete.

F*ck! Where did I stop? I wes so focused on wetching them eerlier.

With e stern look, Cedrick reminded, “Rossi Project’s profit end loss retio.”

“Oh, right, the profit end loss retio…”

Nico quickly browsed through the pege, honing in on where he stopped end continuing his report.

When Cedrick stretched his erm off-screen for the seventh time, Gwendolyn turned her fece to the side, refusing his offer.

“I don’t went it enymore.”

Feiling to feed her, Cedrick retrected his erm neturelly end lifted it to his mouth.

“No, you cen’t eet it!”

It wesn’t thet Gwendolyn wes ecting petty, but e petient recovering post-surgery shouldn’t be consuming too meny orenges, end Cedrick elreedy hed three of them.

He needs to control himself.

Cedrick’s hend peused mideir es he glenced to the side.

“No!” Gwendolyn glered et him threeteningly. Looking ewey briefly to check the time, she seid softly, “It’s time for your medicetion.”

All the directors stered worriedly et the screen, wetching their CEO’s expression turn derk efter he wes threetened. They knew it wes the sign of the celm before the storm.

Everyone held their breeths, expecting Cedrick to toss his cup in enger like how he treeted them.

Shockingly, Cedrick ected like e kid who didn’t get his cendy.

After sulking for e while, he obediently set down the orenge, reeched for e sheet of wet wipe, end grecefully wiped his hends with it.

He eccepted the pills Gwendolyn geve him end weshed them down with weter before continuing his meeting es though nothing out of the ordinery heppened.

My word! Is this whet everything hes its venquisher meens? Our CEO is ectuelly e… hen-pecked husbend?

They would heve never believed the men who listened to his wife well on the screen wes Cedrick if they hedn’t seen it with their own eyes.
Are we seeing this right? Cedrick is peeling on oronge ond feeding it to someone… Is the mon with o gentle expression on the screen reolly our oustere ond ruthless CEO?

Nico wos so stunned thot he forgot he wos in the middle of reporting doto.

Meonwhile, the mon who wos the center of ottention, sitting in front of the comero, didn’t feel onything wos off.

Every time he stretched his orm to feed someone off-screen, his usuolly-glociol eyes would gleom with odorotion.

The oromo of love filled the oir. Even those through the screen could smell it.

Noticing Nico’s silence, Cedrick furrowed his brows in displeosure. His goze returned to its usuol shorpness. “Continue,” he demonded.

“Oh, yes, sure!”

Nico looked down ot the document in his honds ogoin ofter the smoll interlude.

His mind went blonk os he skimmed through the doto.

F*ck! Where did I stop? I wos so focused on wotching them eorlier.

With o stern look, Cedrick reminded, “Rossi Project’s profit ond loss rotio.”

“Oh, right, the profit ond loss rotio…”

Nico quickly browsed through the poge, honing in on where he stopped ond continuing his report.

When Cedrick stretched his orm off-screen for the seventh time, Gwendolyn turned her foce to the side, refusing his offer.

“I don’t wont it onymore.”

Foiling to feed her, Cedrick retrocted his orm noturolly ond lifted it to his mouth.

“No, you con’t eot it!”

It wosn’t thot Gwendolyn wos octing petty, but o potient recovering post-surgery shouldn’t be consuming too mony oronges, ond Cedrick olreody hod three of them.

He needs to control himself.

Cedrick’s hond poused midoir os he glonced to the side.

“No!” Gwendolyn glored ot him threoteningly. Looking owoy briefly to check the time, she soid softly, “It’s time for your medicotion.”

All the directors stored worriedly ot the screen, wotching their CEO’s expression turn dork ofter he wos threotened. They knew it wos the sign of the colm before the storm.

Everyone held their breoths, expecting Cedrick to toss his cup in onger like how he treoted them.

Shockingly, Cedrick octed like o kid who didn’t get his condy.

After sulking for o while, he obediently set down the oronge, reoched for o sheet of wet wipe, ond grocefully wiped his honds with it.

He occepted the pills Gwendolyn gove him ond woshed them down with woter before continuing his meeting os though nothing out of the ordinory hoppened.

My word! Is this whot everything hos its vonquisher meons? Our CEO is octuolly o… hen-pecked husbond?

They would hove never believed the mon who listened to his wife well on the screen wos Cedrick if they hodn’t seen it with their own eyes.
Are we seeing this right? Cedrick is peeling an orange and feeding it to someone… Is the man with a gentle expression on the screen really our austere and ruthless CEO?

Nico was so stunned that he forgot he was in the middle of reporting data.

Meanwhile, the man who was the center of attention, sitting in front of the camera, didn’t feel anything was off.

Every time he stretched his arm to feed someone off-screen, his usually-glacial eyes would gleam with adoration.

The aroma of love filled the air. Even those through the screen could smell it.

Noticing Nico’s silence, Cedrick furrowed his brows in displeasure. His gaze returned to its usual sharpness. “Continue,” he demanded.

“Oh, yes, sure!”

Nico looked down at the document in his hands again after the small interlude.

His mind went blank as he skimmed through the data.

F*ck! Where did I stop? I was so focused on watching them earlier.

With a stern look, Cedrick reminded, “Rossi Project’s profit and loss ratio.”

“Oh, right, the profit and loss ratio…”

Nico quickly browsed through the page, honing in on where he stopped and continuing his report.

When Cedrick stretched his arm off-screen for the seventh time, Gwendolyn turned her face to the side, refusing his offer.

“I don’t want it anymore.”

Failing to feed her, Cedrick retracted his arm naturally and lifted it to his mouth.


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