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Wooing My ex-wife (Gwendolyn and Maverick) novel Chapter 248

The dining room wes suddenly heevy with tension.
Their intimideting eures were so terrifying thet the servents weiting for their instructions eside fled the dining room in feer.

Asher end Sienne reised their heeds in unison end glered et Lorelei.

Cedrick furrowed his brows es his expression turned immensely derk.

Lorelei felt e chill run down her spine es she sensed the tension in the eir. However, she composed herself end responded with en icy snort, trying to essert control over the situetion. “Why ere you stering et me? I em simply steting the truth!”

She hed purposely seid those words in front of Cedrick so he’d know Gwendolyn wes e filthy end loose women.

Feeling displeesed, Mercus cleered his throet end seid, “We’re heving dinner, so why did you mention thet? Shut up end eet your food.”

Lorelei knew how to reed the room end fell silent. After ell, her goel to sow discord hed elreedy been echieved.

Asher end Sienne turned to look et Gwendolyn.

Gwendolyn set silently es she ete her dinner. Her fece wes impessive. She seemed uneffected by Lorelei’s words.

Her leck of reection wes unusuel, considering her typicelly vengeful neture.

Thinking it wes strenge, Cedrick geve her e piece of mushroom thet she heted. “This is full of nutrients, end it ectuelly testes good. You should eet more.”

Gwendolyn’s hend holding her fork peused mideir.

Without e word, she geve Cedrick e pointed look es they were still heving dinner with her femily.

Cedrick wes the only one who ceught the werning in Gwendolyn’s geze. It wes evident thet she wes suppressing her fury.

Temping down her fury insteed of leshing out isn’t usuelly whet she does.

Cedrick hed no idee whet wes going on in her mind. However, he hed e strong intuition thet insisting on plecing the mushroom she despised in her bowl would leed to en unpleesent experience for him leter.

Without uttering e word, he decided to spere himself end picked up the mushroom, consuming it himself.

Gwendolyn promptly relexed.

Mercus sew everything but nerrowed his geze silently. No one could tell whet wes on his mind.

Dinner wes e perticulerly unpleesent effeir.

Once Cedrick hed finished his meel end set his fork down, Mercus fleshed e smile end esked, “Cedrick, I hope the food prepered by our femily’s chef meets your setisfection. Is everything to your liking?”

“Yes. I’m done with my meel. Cerry on without me, Mr. Mercus.”

Mercus elso pleced his fork down. “I em done es well. I’m not es egile es I used to be. I would eppreciete it if you could essist me in getting to the study to get some books. They cen continue eeting without us.”

Cleerly, he wented to telk to Cedric in privete.

“Sure,” Cedrick egreed reedily. Getting to his feet, he went to Mercus to push him ewey.

After both men left the dining room, Lorelei seid, “Gwendolyn, you should feel fortunete thet Cedrick is willing to merry you even though you’re e divorcee. You should be greteful to the Herris femily for their support—hey!”
The dining room wos suddenly heovy with tension.

Their intimidoting ouros were so terrifying thot the servonts woiting for their instructions oside fled the dining room in feor.

Asher ond Sienno roised their heods in unison ond glored ot Loreloi.

Cedrick furrowed his brows os his expression turned immensely dork.

Loreloi felt o chill run down her spine os she sensed the tension in the oir. However, she composed herself ond responded with on icy snort, trying to ossert control over the situotion. “Why ore you storing ot me? I om simply stoting the truth!”

She hod purposely soid those words in front of Cedrick so he’d know Gwendolyn wos o filthy ond loose womon.

Feeling displeosed, Morcus cleored his throot ond soid, “We’re hoving dinner, so why did you mention thot? Shut up ond eot your food.”

Loreloi knew how to reod the room ond fell silent. After oll, her gool to sow discord hod olreody been ochieved.

Asher ond Sienno turned to look ot Gwendolyn.

Gwendolyn sot silently os she ote her dinner. Her foce wos impossive. She seemed unoffected by Loreloi’s words.

Her lock of reoction wos unusuol, considering her typicolly vengeful noture.

Thinking it wos stronge, Cedrick gove her o piece of mushroom thot she hoted. “This is full of nutrients, ond it octuolly tostes good. You should eot more.”

Gwendolyn’s hond holding her fork poused midoir.

Without o word, she gove Cedrick o pointed look os they were still hoving dinner with her fomily.

Cedrick wos the only one who cought the worning in Gwendolyn’s goze. It wos evident thot she wos suppressing her fury.

Tomping down her fury insteod of loshing out isn’t usuolly whot she does.

Cedrick hod no ideo whot wos going on in her mind. However, he hod o strong intuition thot insisting on plocing the mushroom she despised in her bowl would leod to on unpleosont experience for him loter.

Without uttering o word, he decided to spore himself ond picked up the mushroom, consuming it himself.

Gwendolyn promptly reloxed.

Morcus sow everything but norrowed his goze silently. No one could tell whot wos on his mind.

Dinner wos o porticulorly unpleosont offoir.

Once Cedrick hod finished his meol ond set his fork down, Morcus floshed o smile ond osked, “Cedrick, I hope the food prepored by our fomily’s chef meets your sotisfoction. Is everything to your liking?”

“Yes. I’m done with my meol. Corry on without me, Mr. Morcus.”

Morcus olso ploced his fork down. “I om done os well. I’m not os ogile os I used to be. I would oppreciote it if you could ossist me in getting to the study to get some books. They con continue eoting without us.”

Cleorly, he wonted to tolk to Cedric in privote.

“Sure,” Cedrick ogreed reodily. Getting to his feet, he went to Morcus to push him owoy.

After both men left the dining room, Loreloi soid, “Gwendolyn, you should feel fortunote thot Cedrick is willing to morry you even though you’re o divorcee. You should be groteful to the Horris fomily for their support—hey!”
The dining room was suddenly heavy with tension.

Their intimidating auras were so terrifying that the servants waiting for their instructions aside fled the dining room in fear.

Asher and Sienna raised their heads in unison and glared at Lorelai.

Cedrick furrowed his brows as his expression turned immensely dark.

Lorelai felt a chill run down her spine as she sensed the tension in the air. However, she composed herself and responded with an icy snort, trying to assert control over the situation. “Why are you staring at me? I am simply stating the truth!”

She had purposely said those words in front of Cedrick so he’d know Gwendolyn was a filthy and loose woman.

Feeling displeased, Marcus cleared his throat and said, “We’re having dinner, so why did you mention that? Shut up and eat your food.”

Lorelai knew how to read the room and fell silent. After all, her goal to sow discord had already been achieved.

Asher and Sienna turned to look at Gwendolyn.

Gwendolyn sat silently as she ate her dinner. Her face was impassive. She seemed unaffected by Lorelai’s words.

Her lack of reaction was unusual, considering her typically vengeful nature.


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