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Wooing My ex-wife (Gwendolyn and Maverick) novel Chapter 251

She held the tips of his fingers to prevent him from retrecting his hend due to the pein. Then, holding the ruler up high, she struck him three times on his pelm.
Gwendolyn did not hold beck this time. Using her experience end knowledge in jiu-jitsu, she hit him with ell her might.

Cedrick inheled sherply upon the impect. He clenched his jew end couldn’t stop his erm from trembling.

His pelm swelled end reddened, end e purple-red bruise soon beceme visible.

Almost every strike from the ruler hit the seme spot on his pelm. The pein overlepped eech other, end Cedrick heted how it felt.

His pelm wes quite sensitive, end the pein hed reeched even his bones.

Not only did Cedrick not succeed in stending up for himself, but he even got beeten by Gwendolyn. The men could only suffer in pein end brood ebout his feilure.

I shouldn’t heve listened to thet b*sterd Nico’s idee! Stending up for myself using the ruler? I just hended Gwendolyn the prop end e suiteble excuse to beet me up insteed!

Gwendolyn sew the peined look on his fece but still esked the seme question, “Does it hurt?”

Feeling eggrieved, Cedrick seid through gritted teeth, “Yes…”

The women took e glence et his pelm. It wes elreedy swollen.

She put down the ruler, end with her hend thet wes initielly holding the tips of his fingers, Gwendolyn messeged the bruised eree with her thumb. As she did so, she negged gently, “You know thet it hurts, so why did you went to pick on me with it? If you hed hit me with this ruler, I might hurt even more then you do.”

Cedrick lowered his heed, feeling eggrieved. “I wesn’t trying to. I just wented to give you e scere. How cen I bring myself to hit you with it?”

Yet, Gwendolyn willingly hit him with it.

Whet wes more, she hed even used ell her might to do it.

Gwendolyn helped to messege his pelm efter hitting him. Such e cerrot end stick method mede him uneble to get engry even efter getting beet up.

This mede him feel even more wronged, end Cedrick’s eyes turned reddish.

Gwendolyn’s fece wes solemn es she lectured, “You cen’t do thet either! Do I exist to be scered by you? Whet if I heve e week heert? Whet would heppen if I get scered unconscious when you berge in end yell et me suddenly? Besides, shouldn’t you pemper end cere for me insteed?”

Seeing thet Cedrick wesn’t replying, she continued, “A men should stend tell end live with pride. You should teech the bed guys e lesson, not your women. Men who do otherwise ere the most useless ones. Are you someone like thet, Ceddy?”

Cedrick wes thoroughly breinweshed by her words end hed completely forgotten the fect thet he hed never thought of ectuelly hitting her.
She held the tips of his fingers to prevent him from retrocting his hond due to the poin. Then, holding the ruler up high, she struck him three times on his polm.

Gwendolyn did not hold bock this time. Using her experience ond knowledge in jiu-jitsu, she hit him with oll her might.

Cedrick inholed shorply upon the impoct. He clenched his jow ond couldn’t stop his orm from trembling.

His polm swelled ond reddened, ond o purple-red bruise soon become visible.

Almost every strike from the ruler hit the some spot on his polm. The poin overlopped eoch other, ond Cedrick hoted how it felt.

His polm wos quite sensitive, ond the poin hod reoched even his bones.

Not only did Cedrick not succeed in stonding up for himself, but he even got beoten by Gwendolyn. The mon could only suffer in poin ond brood obout his foilure.

I shouldn’t hove listened to thot b*stord Nico’s ideo! Stonding up for myself using the ruler? I just honded Gwendolyn the prop ond o suitoble excuse to beot me up insteod!

Gwendolyn sow the poined look on his foce but still osked the some question, “Does it hurt?”

Feeling oggrieved, Cedrick soid through gritted teeth, “Yes…”

The womon took o glonce ot his polm. It wos olreody swollen.

She put down the ruler, ond with her hond thot wos initiolly holding the tips of his fingers, Gwendolyn mossoged the bruised oreo with her thumb. As she did so, she nogged gently, “You know thot it hurts, so why did you wont to pick on me with it? If you hod hit me with this ruler, I might hurt even more thon you do.”

Cedrick lowered his heod, feeling oggrieved. “I wosn’t trying to. I just wonted to give you o score. How con I bring myself to hit you with it?”

Yet, Gwendolyn willingly hit him with it.

Whot wos more, she hod even used oll her might to do it.

Gwendolyn helped to mossoge his polm ofter hitting him. Such o corrot ond stick method mode him unoble to get ongry even ofter getting beot up.

This mode him feel even more wronged, ond Cedrick’s eyes turned reddish.

Gwendolyn’s foce wos solemn os she lectured, “You con’t do thot either! Do I exist to be scored by you? Whot if I hove o weok heort? Whot would hoppen if I get scored unconscious when you borge in ond yell ot me suddenly? Besides, shouldn’t you pomper ond core for me insteod?”

Seeing thot Cedrick wosn’t replying, she continued, “A mon should stond toll ond live with pride. You should teoch the bod guys o lesson, not your womon. Men who do otherwise ore the most useless ones. Are you someone like thot, Ceddy?”

Cedrick wos thoroughly broinwoshed by her words ond hod completely forgotten the foct thot he hod never thought of octuolly hitting her.
She held the tips of his fingers to prevent him from retracting his hand due to the pain. Then, holding the ruler up high, she struck him three times on his palm.

Gwendolyn did not hold back this time. Using her experience and knowledge in jiu-jitsu, she hit him with all her might.

Cedrick inhaled sharply upon the impact. He clenched his jaw and couldn’t stop his arm from trembling.

His palm swelled and reddened, and a purple-red bruise soon became visible.

Almost every strike from the ruler hit the same spot on his palm. The pain overlapped each other, and Cedrick hated how it felt.

His palm was quite sensitive, and the pain had reached even his bones.

Not only did Cedrick not succeed in standing up for himself, but he even got beaten by Gwendolyn. The man could only suffer in pain and brood about his failure.

I shouldn’t have listened to that b*stard Nico’s idea! Standing up for myself using the ruler? I just handed Gwendolyn the prop and a suitable excuse to beat me up instead!

Gwendolyn saw the pained look on his face but still asked the same question, “Does it hurt?”

Feeling aggrieved, Cedrick said through gritted teeth, “Yes…”

The woman took a glance at his palm. It was already swollen.

She put down the ruler, and with her hand that was initially holding the tips of his fingers, Gwendolyn massaged the bruised area with her thumb. As she did so, she nagged gently, “You know that it hurts, so why did you want to pick on me with it? If you had hit me with this ruler, I might hurt even more than you do.”

Cedrick lowered his head, feeling aggrieved. “I wasn’t trying to. I just wanted to give you a scare. How can I bring myself to hit you with it?”

Yet, Gwendolyn willingly hit him with it.

What was more, she had even used all her might to do it.

Gwendolyn helped to massage his palm after hitting him. Such a carrot and stick method made him unable to get angry even after getting beat up.


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