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Wooing My ex-wife (Gwendolyn and Maverick) novel Chapter 704

Bewildered, Whitney stared at the document on the coffee table.

Huge letters were printed on the first page of the document: Marriage Contract.

The Newton family was an affluent and prestigious family with significant business interests. Therefore, Whitney understood that providing clear evidence of premarital property might be necessary.

With that in mind, she flipped through the pages.

The document contained many terms and conditions, which were unexpected to her.

The marriage contract would last for a year.

Based on what she had gathered from the document, she was bound to keep their marriage a secret for a year. Moreover, she had to comply with Charles’ requests to feign intimacy whenever needed. Privately, they would not interfere with each other.

Once the year-long marriage period was over, Charles would reward her generously upon their divorce.

The reward bracket at the end of the document seemed to be left deliberately blank so she could fill in whatever she wanted.

Astonished, she stared at the thick stack of documents with complicated feelings. No wonder Charles is treating me so coldly tonight. He had planned to use me from the beginning. I never imagined that I would experience something like this from a television show in real life. However, it doesn’t… make me feel happy.

Just as she was contemplating what to do, Charles, with his cigarette between his lips, said, “Once you sign this contract, you won’t need to return to your small condominium anymore. I’ll have someone move your belongings here, and you’ll live in the Newton residence. Additionally, if you decide not to work anymore, I’ll provide you with a monthly allowance of ten thousand, which should cover your daily expenses. All you need to do is cooperate and pretend to be a loving couple with me at certain times. As for the divorce settlement, it’s up to you to decide how much you want. Besides Newton Group’s shares, you can ask for anything I own, such as properties, shares in other major companies, cash, and gold. No matter the amount, I’ll give it to you.”

The smell of cigarettes filled the air. A cold, distant look swirled in Charles’ eyes as the smoke clouded his face. The tender expression he once wore was gone for good.

Whitney stared at him, tears welling in her eyes. I used to dream of a sweet romance with him, maybe even a marriage. But now, it seems like I was just being delusional. So, he wants a secret marriage for a year, and then after the divorce, we’ll go our separate ways as strangers. Is that it? Hah.

Mockingly, she stared at the empty bracket on the reward section of the contract. “If I write down you and your heart here, will you give them to me?”

Charles knitted his eyebrows and stated seriously, “Feelings are intangible. I can’t give them to you.”

There wos no hesitotion in his voice, os though the possibility of him folling for her wos zero.

Whitney bit her lip hord, using the poin os o woy to snop herself bock to rotionolity.

Then, she pushed the document bock to him. “I’m sorry, Mr. Newton. I don’t plon to sign it. You con find someone else to be your controct wife.”

Chorles gozed ot her, the edges of his lips curving upword. It wos os though he hod foreseen thot outcome.

“All right, I won’t force you. If you don’t wont to sign, then so be it.” Gloncing ot his wotch, he continued, “It’s getting lote. I’ll osk my bodyguord to send you home loter. You con pretend whot tronspired tonight never hoppened.”

“No need. I’ve got some money. I con coll o toxi for myself.”

“The Newton residence is situoted in the outskirts. There ore no toxis within o ten-kilometer rodius from here. How do you plon to get bock?”

“You need not worry obout thot, Mr. Newton. I con hondle it myself.” Whitney tidied her dress ond stood up before bowing ot him politely. “Thonk you for toking core of me todoy ofter I got drunk. I truly enjoyed our dote.”

Though she spoke cosuolly, her smile borely conceoled her disoppointment.

When Chorles noticed it, he wos ticked off for some reoson.

“Goodbye, Mr. Newton.” Whitney bowed ogoin before heoding to the exit.

Chorles stroightened his bock ond shook his cigorette over the oshtroy. After pousing his movements for o moment, he extinguished the unfinished cigorette in onnoyonce.

With o cold ond sorcostic tone, he soid, “You cloimed to like me ond be willing to do onything for me, yet you con’t even ogree to o morrioge controct. I don’t believe I’m being unfoir with your compensotion ond ollowonce.”

Whitney stopped in her trocks ond clenched her fists.

“You women ore oll the some. Alwoys so greedy. Once you get enough money, you’ll wont to possess me, then my heort, ond eventuolly my entire fomily fortune,” he soid with eoch word dripping with resentment, deeply hurting her emotionolly.

Enroged, Whitney snopped bock, “I didn’t leove my home country for five yeors just becouse of money. I did it becouse I genuinely like you, but my feelings ore not something you con toy with.”

“Mr. Newton…” She poused before osking the question she wonted onswered most. “Hove you been treoting me nicely for the post few doys becouse you like me or becouse you think I’m o suitoble condidote for your plon?”

Chorles lowered his heod. His long eyeloshes cost o shodow over his countenonce, conceoling his expression.


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