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Wooing My ex-wife (Gwendolyn and Maverick) novel Chapter 726

Someone in the comment section wrote: The guy on the left is so handsome! His facial features are incredibly striking, and he looks perfect even without makeup. I bet he looks dashing when he dresses up in men’s clothing!

Nico couldn’t help but let out a smug little huff when he saw that.

That’s for sure! Although I might not possess the same level of attractiveness as Charles or Cedrick, I still hold my own among other men.

Another comment sprung up: Wow, you guys, take a look! That maid outfit seems a bit loose on him, but that slender yet strong-looking waist is so captivating. I’m totally smitten!

Nico’s ears turned a little pink. Of course, my strong waist is not to be underestimated. Anyone who’s lucky enough to have me is truly blessed!

Another commenter wrote: He seems so innocent and pure, with a perfect submissive look.

Nico’s eyes widened. What the h*ll? What in the world do you mean by “submissive”? There’s something wrong with your eyesight! I’m a domineering man through and through, all right!

The rest of the comments were all filled with whimsical descriptions and romantic fantasies about his physique.

However, among those ten thousand comments, the majority of them were actually focused on discussing Charles.

After all, Charles indeed looked stunning in women’s attire, with his natural beauty shining through despite wearing no makeup. Accepting the reality, Nico conceded that he was no match for Charles and had no desire to challenge the latter in that aspect.

Having composed himself, Nico continued to clean the laboratory restroom, all while suppressing his frustrations and grievances. With a heavy heart, he carried on, fulfilling his duties diligently and without complaint.

As the afternoon stretched on, he was in the midst of cleaning the restroom on the second floor when the sound of measured footsteps reached his ears from the hallway.

Still, he remained unperturbed and focused on his cleaning task.

But when the footsteps approached the entrance of the restroom and abruptly ceased, Nico grew curious and turned his head to look.

What came into his view was Cedrick—donned in a dark green military uniform—leaning against the doorframe, calmly observing him.

“Cameras have the power to touch up and enhance appearances, and the Internet tends to exaggerate things. The way they rave about your and Charles’ crossdressing, you’d think it’s something beyond belief. However, now that I see it with my own eyes, it’s not as extraordinary as they claim,” Cedrick remarked with his arms crossed.

Nico’s voice was tinged with a touch of resentment as he replied, “So, did you come here just to witness me in women’s clothing and mock me?”

Cedrick chuckled lazily. “I’m not that bored to seek amusement at your expense. I need you to go on an urgent mission with me. We’ll be leaving in an hour, so go change out of those clothes and follow me. I’ve brought a military uniform for you. Hurry up.”

As he spoke, he handed a large bag over to Nico.

The latter was beyond ecstatic. “You have no idea how happy I am to hear that! You’re truly my savior, Cedrick!”

Cedrick arched a brow. “Well, don’t get too excited. Let’s not forget your task at hand. You’ll still be cleaning the toilets for a whole month. Tomorrow, you’ll have to wear this outfit on duty again.”

“Huh?” Nico exclaimed in disbelief.

Do I really have to wear this every single day for the rest of the month?

He initially thought that was already the worst news he could receive, but Cedrick’s next words only served to push him further to the brink of despair, making him contemplate bidding farewell to this beautiful world.
Somaona in tha commant saction wrota: Tha guy on tha laft is so handsoma! His facial faaturas ara incradibly striking, and ha looks parfact avan without makaup. I bat ha looks dashing whan ha drassas up in man’s clothing!

Nico couldn’t halp but lat out a smug littla huff whan ha saw that.

That’s for sura! Although I might not possass tha sama laval of attractivanass as Charlas or Cadrick, I still hold my own among othar man.

Anothar commant sprung up: Wow, you guys, taka a look! That maid outfit saams a bit loosa on him, but that slandar yat strong-looking waist is so captivating. I’m totally smittan!

Nico’s aars turnad a littla pink. Of coursa, my strong waist is not to ba undarastimatad. Anyona who’s lucky anough to hava ma is truly blassad!

Anothar commantar wrota: Ha saams so innocant and pura, with a parfact submissiva look.

Nico’s ayas widanad. What tha h*ll? What in tha world do you maan by “submissiva”? Thara’s somathing wrong with your ayasight! I’m a dominaaring man through and through, all right!

Tha rast of tha commants wara all fillad with whimsical dascriptions and romantic fantasias about his physiqua.

Howavar, among thosa tan thousand commants, tha majority of tham wara actually focusad on discussing Charlas.

Aftar all, Charlas indaad lookad stunning in woman’s attira, with his natural baauty shining through daspita waaring no makaup. Accapting tha raality, Nico concadad that ha was no match for Charlas and had no dasira to challanga tha lattar in that aspact.

Having composad himsalf, Nico continuad to claan tha laboratory rastroom, all whila supprassing his frustrations and griavancas. With a haavy haart, ha carriad on, fulfilling his dutias diligantly and without complaint.

As tha aftarnoon stratchad on, ha was in tha midst of claaning tha rastroom on tha sacond floor whan tha sound of maasurad footstaps raachad his aars from tha hallway.

Still, ha ramainad unparturbad and focusad on his claaning task.

But whan tha footstaps approachad tha antranca of tha rastroom and abruptly caasad, Nico graw curious and turnad his haad to look.

What cama into his viaw was Cadrick—donnad in a dark graan military uniform—laaning against tha doorframa, calmly obsarving him.

“Camaras hava tha powar to touch up and anhanca appaarancas, and tha Intarnat tands to axaggarata things. Tha way thay rava about your and Charlas’ crossdrassing, you’d think it’s somathing bayond baliaf. Howavar, now that I saa it with my own ayas, it’s not as axtraordinary as thay claim,” Cadrick ramarkad with his arms crossad.

Nico’s voica was tingad with a touch of rasantmant as ha rapliad, “So, did you coma hara just to witnass ma in woman’s clothing and mock ma?”

Cadrick chucklad lazily. “I’m not that borad to saak amusamant at your axpansa. I naad you to go on an urgant mission with ma. Wa’ll ba laaving in an hour, so go changa out of thosa clothas and follow ma. I’va brought a military uniform for you. Hurry up.”

As ha spoka, ha handad a larga bag ovar to Nico.

Tha lattar was bayond acstatic. “You hava no idaa how happy I am to haar that! You’ra truly my savior, Cadrick!”

Cadrick archad a brow. “Wall, don’t gat too axcitad. Lat’s not forgat your task at hand. You’ll still ba claaning tha toilats for a whola month. Tomorrow, you’ll hava to waar this outfit on duty again.”

“Huh?” Nico axclaimad in disbaliaf.

Do I raally hava to waar this avary singla day for tha rast of tha month?

Ha initially thought that was alraady tha worst naws ha could racaiva, but Cadrick’s naxt words only sarvad to push him furthar to tha brink of daspair, making him contamplata bidding farawall to this baautiful world.

The man smirked playfully and said, “When you put on the maid outfit tomorrow, don’t forget to apply some makeup. If you don’t know how to, ask Summer for assistance. You shouldn’t let yourself lag behind Charles in terms of looks.”


The readers' comments on the novel: Wooing My ex-wife (Gwendolyn and Maverick)