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Written In My Heart. novel Chapter 35

The girls were sitting on the couch waiting for the boys..

S: C'mon boys.. How long does it take.?? Are you growing corn in the kitchen.??

A: Almost done.. We'll be there in a minute..

Ayaan and Nick quickly grab all the snacks along with soft drinks.. They keep everything on the table and sat on the couch.. The girls were huddled in the middle as both boys sat beside them.. The movie began to play.. 

After about half an hour.. When the movie had reached the scary party.. Ayaan leaned back further glancing at Nick calling him slowly... Nick turned to him as Ayaan gave a slow nod to him as he nodded back.. Ayaan slowly took out his phone and clicked something on his phone that caused a clanking sound in the kitchen.. Sofia looked up..

S: Did you guys hear that.??

A: Hear what.??

S: Something fell in the kitchen..

A: I didn't hear anything.. Did you guys.??

N: No...

Al: I didn't hear anything either sofi...

S: Maybe it was just me.. 

She sat quietly as they all continue watching the movie.. Ayaan made the sound again after a few minutes.. This time both Sofia and Aliza heard it..

S: See.. There it was again..

Al: I think even I heard something this time..

A: I have no idea what your talking about.. did you hear anything Nick.??

N: Nopes... nothing.!!

S: I think we should go check..

A: It's ok Sofia.. It's nothing..

S: But atleast once.. C'mon Aliza..

She takes Aliza with herself to the kitchen.. Ayaan smirks High fiving Nick.. as they sit back in their places controlling their smiles.. The girls look around in the kitchen and come back seeing every thing is in its place.. They again continue the movie.. 

After a while Nick slowly creeps away from the back and goes towards the power house.. He switches off all the lights of the house.. They all get startled as Sofia grabs Ayaans arm causing him to chuckle quietly.. 

A: What happened... Are you scared..??

He whispered leaning closer to her ear as she let goes standing straight.. Aliza moves closer grabbing Sofia as she holds her hand as well.. 

S: W...What happened to the lights..?

A: I don't know.. I think Nick went to check..

Al: Nick..??

S: A..Ayaan.. where are you.??

A: Right here..

He said moving towards the table and quietly grabed both their phones keeping them in his pocket.. 

S: Where is your phone... Turn on the light..

A: My phone..... It's in my room.. Where's yours.??

S: Wait.. It's on the table I think.. 

She moves towards the table stretching her hands in front to feel in the dark.. She felt the table moving her hand around but couldn't find her phone.. 

S: I don't know.. I can't find it...

A: Ok relax.. I know where the candles are.. I'll get some.. 

S: Ok..

He goes in the kitchen as Sofia and Aliza grab onto eachother..

Al: Sofia.. I'm very scared honestly.. 

S: So am I.. But remember.. We will not say this in front of the boys.. It's about our respect..

Al: Yes ofcourse..

They were whispering when a candle appeared between them.. They moved back startled and saw Ayaan standing close with the yellow light reflecting from his face.. He looked like a ghost from a typical horror movie.. Aliza was looking as if her breath was struck in her lungs and Sofia was breathing heavily as both the girls had their lips sealed shut making sure not to scream..  

S: Ayaan.??

A: What happened..?? Did I.. SCARE you.??

S: You just... Startled us..

A: Is it.?? Ok... here

He passed both of them a candle as Nick came in..

A: What is it.??

N: I checked it.. There's some problem.. I called the.. Electrician.. He'll be here in a few minutes..

A: ok.. Nick.. One moment..

He said walking towards the kitchen but Sofia held his hand..

S: Where are you going..?

A: To get some water.. Why..? You don't want me to go..?

S: I.. I just..

A: What.?? Are you scared.?

S: Ofcourse I'm not..

She leaves his hand with a jerk huffing and moves towards Aliza.. 

S: Go where ever you want..

He smirks grabbing nicks hand and walked towards kitchen..

S: Why do you need him to go along.??

A: I thought I'll bring some juice for everyone.. It's getting a little heated in here..

He said leaving to the kitchen and dragging nick along.. They both quietly sat on the couch.. Sofia remembered about the phone as she searched on the table but didn't find it there..

S: Where's my phone.??

Al: Wasn't it on the table..?

S: It's not here.. What about yours..??

Al: It was here too..

They both look around but couldn't find their phones.. Aliza turned around as her eyes fell on a moving source of light.. She turned to Sofia calling her..

Al: Sofia.. I saw s..something moving over there..

S: Where.??

Al: Over there..

She pointed behind the sofa.. They both looked around but didn't see anything.. 

S: I think it was just in your head... We were watching horror movie right.. maybe that's why you felt so..

Al: Yeah maybe..

Sofia glanced around carefully while Aliza looked for their phones under the table and couch.. Just then she too saw the moving candle..

S: Aliza.!!

Al: What.??

S: I think I saw that too..

Al: The candle.??

S: Yeah...

She points at the direction where she saw the candle disappear.. They both hold on to each other looking around terrified..

S: A...A..Ayaaan...

The boys were looking out of the kitchen window.. Ayaan held a remote control in his hand as nick stood beside him watching animatedly.. They both laugh quietly standing in the kitchen.. 

N: Gosh Ayaan.. They look so scared..

A: Yeah.. Just look at their faces.. They're terrified..

He says laughing while moving the car that had candles kept on it.. They kept moving it back and forth.. 

N: Ok I think that's enough.. They're already very scared.. C'mon let's..

A: C'mon it's so much fun..

N: Shut up.. Let's go...

He says dragging him along as they grabbed the tray of juice and went out towards the girls.. Nick held the light for them both..

A: What happened Sofia.??

S: I s..saw things.. They were moving.. T.The lights.. They were all moving..

A: How is that possible Sofia..?

S: I saw them.. We both did.. The candles were moving..

A: But every thing is fine now.. See... Nothing is moving..

Suddenly the window opens with a thud as Sofia quickly grabs Ayaan's hand causing the tray to lean as a glass fell down.. He kept the tray aside quickly moving her in the other direction away from the glass pieces..

A: Ok guys calm down.. I'm sure it's just a breeze.. Let me go see..

S:  No. What if something is there..??

A: Relax.. It's our house.. Who else could be here..??

He says walking towards the window.. 

A: Excuse me.. Is anyone there..??

He asks loudly.. Not receiving any answer he turns towards them raising his arms..

A: See.. There's nothing.. I told you..


They all suddenly hear a loud and rough old woman's voice.. Ayaan stumbles back towards everyone as they all grab on to him..

Ghost Woman: AYAAN.!!!

They all get scared as aryan glances towards nick who was also looking towards him.. He thinks it was part of nick's plan.. Raising his brows he slowly nods his head.. 

A: Relax guys.. 

S: What do you mean..?? Who is that.?????

Al: Her voice is so scary.. I feel like we're In a horror movie..

A: Wait.. Let me talk.. Who are you..?? What Do you want..??

GW: YOU..!!!!!!

A: W..What D..Did I do to you.. ?? W...What do you want from me.??

GW: REVENGE..!!!!!

They all scream hurdling together... Ayaan slowly moves towards Nick dragging him a little aside and whispered to him..

A: Look.. I get that it's your plan.. But why me.??

N: My plan.???

A: You seemed so relax..

N: I thought it was your plan.!! That's why I was calm..

A: You mean you didn't do this..

N: How would I control what she says.. And how would I know what you are going to say next..

A: Good point.. But if not me or you.. Who else is doing it.?? Do you think it's the girls.?

They both glanced towards them who were holding each other due to fear..

Chapter 35 : Ghost. 1

Chapter 35 : Ghost. 2


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