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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 127

Joyce looked all the way around, and asked the makeup artist, "Are you talking to me?"

"Yeah." The makeup artist pointed to Joyce, "Yeah, just talking to you, aren't you a car model?"

"I'm not." Joyce waved her hands back and forth.

Juanita suddenly stepped forward at this point and pulled Joyce up from her seat with both hands and spun her around, her eyes glowing, "Joyce, you are taller and you are certainly a better fit than a model can ever be. You can help me."

Joyce laughed and pushed back, "You must be kidding. I've never done something like this before."

"Please, as you can see, Martha won’t compromise. And we can’t change our plan. Please, please." Juanita made a pitiful face, folded her hands, bit her lower lip, and begged.

"It's not that I won't help you. I'm just afraid I can't do it. Models need professional training for their positioning and everything. And I know nothing about it. I just can’t do it." Joyce shook her head, "Moreover, I am an intern. It's not right for me to be a model. How can I represent the company's image? What if it brings you more trouble?"

At this time, another R&S Group staff member, suddenly reminded her, "Joyce, you are the shining star, the company's ambassador. It is no problem for you to represent the company."

"Right. Why didn't I think of that?" Juanita's expression immediately became excited, "Good idea, we don't need a car model today! We just let the company ambassador represent the company for this event. Perfect!"

"This is… But I…" Joyce was in a difficult position. Juanita and she were of course good friends and of course, she didn’t want anything to go wrong in Juanita’s work. But…

Another staff member, holding a cell phone, said to Juanita, "What to do? Martha turned off her phone."

"Come on, as you can see, Martha won’t listen and walked away. She wouldn't cooperate. And now she's turned off her phone. Just do me a favor for once. Besides, there's no time at all to get to Martha, and it's going to be too late if we don't start the makeup." Juanita said as she pressed Joyce hard against the makeup table and she nodded toward the makeup artist, "Just her, let's get started."

The makeup artist smiled, "Okay, I'll catch up and should be able to make it in time."


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