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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1443

Chapter 1443

Anderson looked at her breathlessly, "Your family is so confusing. Are you going to get it right or not?"

Fair shook his head, "Mommy brought home a younger sister, eight months younger than me. It's the sister I just said looks like you."

"How can it be your sister when you're only eight months younger." Anderson knew a lot and immediately noticed the problem.

"I know that too." Fair pulled her fingers together to show Anderson, "So either I'm not mommy's biological child, or my sister is not mommy's biological child."

She thought for a moment, "Maybe I'm not, because Mommy seems to have a good relationship with her sister."

Anderson gave Fair a sympathetic look, "You're pathetic."

Fair opened his mouth.

Before going to school today, her mommy Athena mentioned to her that she would like to invite her best friend to play at her house after school. If she could do it, she would take her to Mufron later and live with her sister.

Because Iris kept clamoring to see her friends.

She wanted to talk to Anderson about it, but thought about it and didn't.

Forget it, she didn't want to go to Mufron either.

There is Anderson here after all.

Anderson suddenly asked, "The sister you mentioned, what's her name?"

Fair , ", her name is Iris."

Anderson froze.

The name "Iris" is actually not new to him.

He had heard, a few times at night, mommy would call the name "Iris" in his sleep.

He didn't know who it was that Mummy was shouting at and had asked, but Mummy immediately denied it, saying he had misheard.

But he knew he hadn't heard wrong.

So, who is "Iris" anyway?

Could there be a connection between the "Iris" in Fair's mouth and the "Iris" her own mommy calls out in her dreams at night?

He was in deep thought and doubt.


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