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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1506

Chapter 1506

Nina took a taxi back to school alone.
As soon as she entered the school, she sensed an unusual atmosphere.
About the time her story had spread on the campus network, almost the whole school, now knew that she was pregnant and that the other party was the warlord-in-chief of Alvonia.
Before she could walk to the dormitory building, she found something more serious.
Two guards dressed in navy blue warlord's clothing had been on guard at the school and immediately followed her closely when they saw her return.
Wherever she goes, they follow.
Nina couldn't avoid it. She had no choice but to stop and turn around.
She was a little scared, before she could speak.
The two guards had saluted her, "Miss Hughes, Mr. Hurley sent us to protect you."
"I ... I don't need protection." Nina Boldly raising her voice, she retorted.
How could she stay on campus if there were two people guarding her every day after class?
The two guards were unmoved.
Nina bit her lip, looking helpless, "You guys call him. I really don't need to."
The two guards looked at each other.
One of them took out the phone and dialed Chris' number.
Mr. Hurley, Miss Hughes says she doesn't need our protection, what do you think we should do?"
The attendant deliberately turned on the speakerphone so that Nina could also hear.
No need to explain that to Nina later.
Chris's angry voice came over the phone, "Who said anything about protecting her? No male is allowed within one meter of her except for Professor Degan."
When he finished, Chris dumped the phone.
The guard looked at Nina for a moment, "You heard everything? We were ordered to do so."
Nina , "..."
Well, what a domineering man, in that case, she can only admit it.
She turned around, made a trip back to her dorm, grabbed her books, and then went to her classroom.
When she walked into the classroom, she sat in the last row with good sense.
The two guards also sat down in a row next to each other. Their backs were straight, sitting upright and on full alert.
The image is so out of place, the bizarre atmosphere of the class, that even the music theory professor felt embarrassed and cleared his throat every now and then, hoping that the two warlord guards would leave the classroom. Staying in the classroom all the time is unbecoming.
Unfortunately, soldiers only obey the orders of their superiors, for others, all disdain.
The students in the front row, from time to time, some sneak back, and fear the two guards stern expression.
They whispered.
"As far as? To have someone guarding Nina at school ?"
"People are the warlord commander's woman, don't look, be careful to gouge out your eyes."
"Hey, it's so cool, I'm so jealous, to have intercourse with a man like that. A blessing cultivated in several lifetimes."
"You saw the picture of Mr. Hurley in the campus forum, right? Too handsome, like a god."
"It's worth dying to be protected by a man like this."
"The main thing is that she's pregnant, do you think the birth will be the heir?"
"By the way, there's another big melon. nina is Professor Degan's daughter and has a paternity report."
"No wonder, the musical talent is top-notch, from genetics, tiger father no daughter."
"Stop talking, can't you see those two guards are glaring at you?"
"Ahhhh, no more."
Nina could hear some of the chatter and she moved uncomfortably, too uncomfortable to sit on pins and needles, and she felt that the class time was difficult.
It was hard to finish a tight afternoon of classes.
By the time it was time for dinner.
She came into the restaurant.


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