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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1586

Chapter 1586

The warlord's command room.

Colonels Roselin, Selim and Fanger were arguing fiercely. They were losing ground here and there. They witnessed one position after another being lost.

They saw some people who originally belonged to them turned against them one after another.

Dozens of phones in the command room kept ringing.

The three commanders were too busy to answer the phones. Even if they answered, it was only to receive one bad news after another.

Otis sat in the command room, watching the blue dots on the screen gradually covering the red dots. His advantage was disappearing little by little.

He didn't say a word. The ashtray in front of him was filled with cigarette butts.

He didn't want to smoke anymore. He didn't need stimulation or relieve his anxiety.

After all, he underestimated Ralph.

He thought Ralph was getting old and intended to retire to the second line. Ralph usually didn't interfere much with the military affairs he was in charge of.

He didn't expect that Ralph had been deceiving him. There was a secret team in the warlords that he didn't know at all.

They easily disrupted all the plans he had worked hard for many years.

What's more, Ralph had been acting with him from the beginning. The purpose was only to expose all those loyal to him openly and secretly.

It was truly that one would not get the tiger cubs without entering the tiger's den. Pretending to be under house arrest by him, Ralph was actually observing his every move in secret.

After all, he was no match for Ralph.

The warlords did not belong to him either.

Although reluctant, he knew clearly that he had lost this battle completely.

Colonels Roselin, Selim and Fanger were still struggling desperately. Especially Vance, who had always resented Ralph because of personal grievances. Vance was the one who most wanted to overthrow Ralph.


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