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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1588

Chapter 1588

All the way.

The pitch-black night sky, no stars, no moon.

When commanding operations at Base 531, I didn't know that it was already night.

It's almost midnight now.

The spacious Capital, you can't see a car on the road, even street lights are gone. After the air raid siren sounded, the whole city entered a curfew state. At ten o'clock, all power supply systems were cut off.

Long roads, crisscrossing, even without street lights.

The whole city was eerily quiet, without the usual revelry, like a huge tomb, terrifying.

Joyce knew that retaking the warlords and panicking the people was a necessary process. I just hope everything goes smoothly and achieve the final victory before dawn, and this will never happen again.

Luther tried to call Eugene's private number.

Found unable to get through.

"It's possible that for safety reasons, he destroyed this phone," Joyce said as he sat in the car fiddling with a handgun.

Chris pressed the earphones to receive instructions from Ralph and replied, "I know, General."

Then he said to Joyce and Luther, "The generals instructed that they have inside information that Otis is likely to withdraw from Sea Port 28 by speedboat."

Then he ordered the special escort driver, "Go to Sea Port 28."

"Yes." The special escort immediately responded.

Luther frowned at this time, "Can you locate Eugene's other phone? I always feel too easy. We just received the news of the command room explosion, so quickly identified Otis' withdrawal direction? Not very reasonable."


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