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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1614

Chapter 1614 Returning Safely

In the vast Rohomes territorial waters, the sea water was colder at night, freezing people shuddering.

Cloud was floating on the sea surface holding Athena. It was dark now, fortunately they had an accurate GPS system on them. Because it was dark and hard to find, the rescue ship he sent took five minutes longer than expected to find them.

He first lifted Athena onto the rescue ship, then climbed aboard himself.

After ten minutes of soaking in seawater, blood loss and hypothermia, Athena was a little confused.

Her originally rosy lips had lost all color. Strong hatred and anger swept through her mind. She gripped Cloud tightly.

A difficult voice overflowed from her throat, "You must save me."

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." Cloud quickly wrapped her in a thick blanket, then bandaged the bleeding wound on her shoulder.

Then he fed her some warm water.

As her body temperature recovered, Athena felt much better. Exhausted, she leaned against Cloud's side and closed her eyes to sleep.

Cloud gently put his arm around Athena's shoulders, his eyes flickering darkly.

Athena had been in a coma for ten full years. Now that she had finally woken up, he would never let anything happen to her. Otherwise, he couldn't explain it to her dead mother.

Athena's mother, Charity Yoshikawa, had saved his life and was kind to him. Before Charity died, she entrusted Athena to him to take care of. For the rest of his life, he would go through fire and water for her without hesitation.

He glanced at the wound on Athena's shoulder, the bleeding had stopped.

The bullet had pierced through the scapula.

At such a long distance, both speedboats and helicopters were moving targets.

The accuracy of the gunshot was astonishing.

He knew that the woman who had just fired was Joyce. He had glimpsed her from afar last time. He couldn't see her face clearly, although he had seen photos, but the real person gave him a very different feeling.

Holding a gun, standing in the wind, with a heroic posture.

The sea wind was strong, the ships were running at full throttle, moving very fast, heading straight for Rohomes port.

The sea breeze blew his long hair flying wildly at the moment, reckless and flamboyant.

Interesting, next time I must meet properly with this legendary military heiress of the Heath family.

On the other side.

Joyce and Dewey sent Otis' body back to the military port. The remaining support ships were responsible for salvaging the surviving black-clothed men who had fallen into the sea.

After going ashore, Joyce and Dewey went to the headquarters of the warlord to report the details of the capture.

Although Otis had died, the mission could not be considered a complete success.

But Ralph was still very pleased. He patted Joyce lightly on the shoulder, "Well done. Such an ending was also within expectations. Originally, casualties were inevitable in crossfire. First protect yourself, understand?"

"Um." Joyce nodded.

She did not say that Luther had taken unknown drugs and Otis had only left her with an unintelligible hint before he died.

She planned to discuss this with Cecelia afterwards.

"Otis deserved to die and died at the hands of Rohomes terrorists. It served him right. We have no room for criticism in this matter. I am very satisfied." Ralph showed satisfaction, "You haven't closed your eyes for 24 hours, you must be very tired. I heard that Andres is still in the hospital with Luther? Hurry to the hospital to accompany them and get some rest early."


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