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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1659

Chapter 1659: Everything is Fake


Public Cemetery, secluded and isolated from the world.

After arriving in Mufron and taking a day to rest and adjust to the time difference, they came here early the next morning.

The weather was fitting, with a light drizzle falling. The sky stretched out in a pure light gray, carrying a hint of solemnity.

Joyce stood in front of Iris's tombstone, her exquisite face filled with sorrow.

In fact, she had never been to the cemetery before. Christian had taken care of everything back then. She had been focused on seeking revenge and couldn't face Iris before that. Now, four years had passed, and her feelings were completely different from back then.

Anderson stood by her side, wearing a black suit, feeling his mother's sadness. He tightly gripped her sleeve.

Luther had arranged for workers to dig around the grave.

As shovelful after shovelful of soil was dug out and piled to the side, a high-quality miniature coffin was gradually revealed.

When Joyce saw the coffin, she couldn't help but tremble.

Luther noticed and quickly held her tightly in his arms, comforting her. Although his own heart was heavy with grief as well.

He also wanted a daughter, but it seemed that his fate with daughters had come to an end.

He felt a deep sigh in his heart.

"Mr. Warner, shall we open the coffin?" asked one of the workers, a specialist in grave relocation. It was customary in the industry to ask again before opening the coffin as a sign of respect.

"Okay," Luther nodded in agreement.

Joyce turned her gaze away, not wanting to witness this scene.

The worker was about to open the coffin when he suddenly noticed something amiss. "Wait, Mr. Warner, something seems off," he said.

Luther's expression changed, and he quickly asked, "What's wrong? What's the problem?"

"The coffin has been tampered with recently. The signs of prying around it are obvious. The marks are fresh, indicating that it happened within the past few months," the worker carefully examined the area. "We have a lot of experience, and there's a clear difference between a coffin that hasn't been opened in four years and one that has been opened recently."

"Open it quickly," Joyce ordered the worker after glancing at Luther. She couldn't bear to see this.

The worker opened the coffin, revealing an urn inside.

"You see, the urn was recently placed here. I'm certain of it. I've been in this line of work my whole life, and I can tell the time of burial from the layer of ash on top," the worker said.

"How is that possible? It should have been..." Joyce covered her mouth with her hand, unable to believe it.

"May I open the urn and take a look?" the worker asked.

"Go ahead," Luther agreed. Since the urn had been recently placed there, there must be something wrong.

"But what if it disturbs Iris?" Joyce hesitated.

"We can't have any doubts," Luther said firmly, holding Joyce's hand. "I'm here with you. Don't be afraid."

Joyce also tightened her grip on Anderson's hand. "Andres, don't be afraid. Mommy is here."

"Yeah," Anderson nodded, his big eyes fixed on the urn inside the coffin.

Darrin had been waiting nearby, and when he saw that something was wrong, he walked over and stood by their side.


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