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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1661

Chapter 1661: Who is the Real Target?


Luther and Joyce rushed all the way and arrived at the Manderson Hospital where Joyce had given birth.

Upon arriving at the hospital, they discovered that the doctors and nurses who had been responsible for treating Joyce had been transferred to another hospital.

After inquiring about their current location, Luther and Joyce immediately headed to the hospital where they were now working.

Fortunately, both of them were on duty today.

The doctor clearly remembered Joyce and recognized her immediately.

After repeated questioning, the doctor finally revealed the truth to Joyce.

"When you gave birth to the twins, the boy was very healthy, but the girl had a weak breath and had to rely on instruments and various nutrient supplies to sustain her life. We determined that the chances of the girl surviving were not more than 5%, and she wouldn't live past two years. So Mr. Ballard, after much consideration, chose to tell you that the girl was stillborn," the doctor explained.

The nurse added, "Mr. Ballard's intention was to spare you further distress, as you were in poor condition at the time. He didn't want you to suffer even more. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. If he had given you hope and then shattered it, it would have been cruel. Especially for you."

The doctor continued, "In fact, Mr. Ballard's judgment was correct. The girl held on for over three years but eventually passed away. Mr. Ballard personally came to bury the child."

Joyce took a step back heavily, but luckily Luther held her firmly, trembling as she asked, "So, Iris is really dead?"

The doctor nodded.

Joyce felt her vision darken, and everything became blurred.

She hadn't held much hope to begin with, but seeing the empty grave, a glimmer of hope had risen within her. Now, it had been mercilessly shattered.

She felt her steps falter, leaning on Luther's embrace, unable to move.

She could understand Christian's actions.

To abruptly let her know the truth, when she couldn't bear the shock. If after three years of waiting, she still couldn't save Iris, she would truly collapse. She would hate even more.

At this moment, Luther remained somewhat calm.

He held Joyce tightly, trying to keep his voice steady. "Doctor, did you personally witness Iris's heartbeat stopping?"

The doctor hesitated. "No, because I wasn't in charge at the time. But everyone in the hospital said the same thing."

"When were you transferred?" Luther asked.

His intuition told him that something was off. Why were all the doctors and nurses who had been responsible for Joyce transferred away?

"Were you transferred voluntarily?" Luther added.

The doctor shook his head. "I didn't want to come here at all. The medical facilities are poor, and it's far from my home. I can only drive back once a week, which is very inconvenient. But I had no choice; the higher-ups wanted me to leave. What could I say?"

The nurse chimed in, "That's right, that's right. I want to be transferred back too. I don't even know who I offended to be sent here."

Luther and Joyce exchanged glances. Something was definitely not right.

It seemed like someone was manipulating things.

"So, you didn't personally witness Iris's death, is that correct?" Joyce asked to confirm.

She looked cautious, afraid of being struck again.

"Well, you could say that. But it should be correct. Afterwards, the intensive care unit for Iris was disbanded. I never saw the child again," the doctor recalled.

At this moment, Joyce's phone rang.

She took out her phone and saw that it was Darrin calling.

"Answer it. There must be results," Luther became nervous and urged her.

Joyce's hand trembled as she pressed the answer button.

After connecting the call, she switched to speakerphone, and Darrin's voice came through.

"Commander, the results are in. The DNA doesn't match. This isn't Iris's ashes."


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