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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1700

Chapter 1700: The Most Basic Trust

Joyce wrapped one hand around his neck and placed the other on his handsome face, her slender fingers tracing his strong features.

The living room was dimly lit, accentuating his exceptional elegance.

"Did you expect to encounter so many things when you returned to Khebury?" she asked softly. "Don't worry too much. I'm just speculating. Maybe it's just a coincidence and has nothing to do with us."

Luther caught her small hand and pressed his nose against it, almost touching her. "If you keep touching me like that, I won't be able to control myself."

She chuckled softly, "What will happen if you can't control yourself?"

Pulling him down, she took the initiative to kiss his razor-sharp lips. "Like this?"

Luther was momentarily stunned but quickly shifted from being passive to active. "You've been influenced by bad things."

He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her onto his lap, and their long, passionate kiss lasted for a long time, until both were breathless.

Embracing each other, she nestled in his arms, feeling his heart pounding strongly, beat after beat.

Luther gently caressed her, his hand coming to rest on her small abdomen, covering it gently, silently feeling.

Lately, he had been restraining himself because he had noticed changes in her body.

During their kiss just now, he didn't make any more intrusive moves. He feared that his excitement would harm her and the baby.

Although the intense heat surged within him, having her in his arms was already enough.

Joyce looked down at her slightly rounded belly, which was not noticeable when she wore loose clothing. She placed her hand on top of his.

"This is our first time feeling them grow together," she said softly.

Luther paused for a moment. Yes, Anderson and Alisha's births were moments he and Joyce couldn't experience and accompany. It had always been his biggest regret. But this time, could he really do it? His eyes darkened, and his expression gradually grew gloomy.

Joyce noticed Luther's change in mood and lifted her head to ask, "I didn't mean to blame you. Don't overthink. I've long since let go of the past."

She silently added in her heart. When he took the unknown drug from Otis, when he was stabbed in the abdomen and lost a lot of blood, when his life was in danger, she only blamed herself for not forgiving him earlier and missed those years they could have spent together.

Luther softly replied, "I'm not overthinking."

However, her tolerance and love eased his low spirits to a large extent.

Suddenly, his eyes brightened, and he seemed to ignite with excitement. "They moved, they moved!"

His hand, resting on her belly, felt a slight movement.

"How is that possible? It's still early, right?" Joyce knew he was referring to fetal movements. But she had asked the doctor, and fetal movements were usually meaningful after 28 weeks. However, fetal movements could start between the 18th and 20th week of pregnancy. She hadn't reached 18 weeks yet. But the doctor had also mentioned that for some sensitive people, feeling fetal movements at 14 weeks was possible.

"It's true," Luther exclaimed excitedly, his voice trembling.

"They moved again, they moved again!" he exclaimed, just now he had been a bit uncertain himself. After all, he had never experienced fetal movements before. But this time, he truly felt the faint movements.

It was like a small sprout gently pushing against his palm.

This feeling melted his heart.

"Really? Let me feel too."

Joyce anxiously moved his hand away. She herself had never felt fetal movements. Thinking back over the past few days, she did feel a rolling sensation in her belly. She had always thought it was an upset stomach, but it turned out to be the precursor to fetal movements.

Luther moved his hand away and gently placed it on top of hers. "Here, feel it."


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