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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1709

Chapter 1709: Overestimating Themselves

After leaving Christian's mansion, Joyce and Darrin raced back home.

As they transitioned from the driveway to the expressway, Darrin suddenly straightened his body, pressing firmly against the seat, his expression tense. He glanced at the rearview mirror from time to time and checked the side mirrors.

"What's wrong? Is something off?" Joyce asked.

Darrin furrowed his brow. "I feel like ever since we turned at the intersection, there has been a black Range Rover following us. I actually noticed it on the side road under the expressway earlier, but I thought it was just my imagination. Now it seems otherwise."

Joyce also noticed the Range Rover; their driving pattern was indeed suspicious.

"Darrin, you truly are extraordinary. You're much more perceptive than the average person. I didn't even notice because the Range Rover was always two or three cars behind us, making it hard to spot," Joyce praised.

Darrin suddenly swerved the steering wheel and switched to the fast lane.

"General, who do you think they might be? Did Christian send someone to track us? After all, we just left Christian's mansion, and being followed like this raises suspicions," Darrin asked.

Joyce shook her head. "It's unlikely. Although the Ballard Group has been caught between two factions in the past, Christian has always been straightforward. If he had something to ask me, he would do so directly and not resort to this method."

"Then who could it be? You've just returned to Khebury, so it's unlikely to be your previous enemies," Darrin pondered.

Joyce shook her head again. "I don't know. I didn't have many acquaintances in Khebury, and I can't imagine having any enemies."

"Could they be targeting Mr. Warner?"

Darrin glanced at the rearview mirror. "Not good, they've caught up. They were trying to hide before, but now they're suddenly unrestrained."

"It's probably because of the road we're on now. There are very few cars, and they can't easily blend in, so they decided to reveal themselves," Joyce analyzed.

Darrin nodded. He suddenly sharply turned the wheel and crossed two lanes.

It was because the vehicles behind them had suddenly rushed forward, attempting to ram into the back of their car.

"Heh heh, Darrin, you're quite skilled at driving," Joyce firmly held onto the handrail. "I take back what I said before about wanting you to return to the Capital. It seems that Khebury is more complicated than I imagined, and I need you by my side."

Darrin smiled proudly. "General, you finally realized my value. The Marshal must have sent me here for a reason."

As he spoke, he turned the steering wheel sharply again, evading the black Range Rover that had caught up with them, and sped forward.

"There are at least four or five cars chasing us."

Joyce counted through the rearview mirror. "They came prepared. Be careful, the last black SUV has been modified and likely carries firepower."

"If we engage in a firefight in Khebury, will it cause a social uproar? I'm concerned about that. The Marshal repeatedly emphasized that I must keep a low profile," Darrin furrowed his brow. Removing the cars chasing them from behind was not difficult for him.

However, he worried that if there was too much commotion and it was discovered that military warlords were involved, it would have a negative societal impact on the warlords.

"I understand. The warlords have just gone through a transition period, which has already caused inconvenience to the public. Moreover, with the new president taking office, any disturbances caused by the warlords at this time would create trouble for my father," Joyce rolled down the car window and adjusted the angle to shoot.

"I'm aware of that too. If they don't cross the line, I won't open fire. Just focus on driving forward and try to take secluded routes to avoid affecting innocent people. I'll handle it," Joyce narrowed one eye, her expression serious.


Darrin stepped on the accelerator, turned onto another elevated expressway, and the vehicles closely following them were exposed. Joyce counted, and there were five in total. They all followed onto the same expressway.


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