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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1737

Chapter 1737: The Antidote is Yours Unconditionally

Luther watched as Alisha returned to her room, happily unpacking her new toys, and then he closed the door. The warmth in his eyes gradually faded, leaving behind a coldness.

He only showed his gentle side in front of Alisha; for everyone else in the house, even a smile was unnecessary. He turned around expressionlessly, passing by Athena without even sparing her a glance.

He knew that Athena had been defeated by Joyce, hence her terrible mood. Thinking of this, he felt extremely good.

He sat down on the sofa and opened his laptop, starting to work. From beginning to end, he didn't say a word to Athena.

Awkwardness filled the air. The black-clad men finished cleaning up the shattered pieces and cautiously left the living room, guarding outside the door.

Athena had just wanted to approach Luther and speak to him when suddenly, a sharp pain shot through her shoulder again. She let out a low cry and fell back onto the sofa. Damn it, Joyce had pressed on her shoulder, causing her gunshot wound to open again. The pain was unbearable. She had relied on painkillers to cope for a long time.

She lay horizontally on the sofa, convulsing, continuously sniffing, and gradually feeling cold all over.

"Brother Luther, it hurts so much," she moaned, hoping that her appearance would evoke Luther's sympathy and pity.

Luther initially remained indifferent, but as Athena's moans grew louder, he glanced at her.

He saw Athena huddled on the sofa, in a daze, and convulsing. Luther's suspicions arose as he observed her trembling appearance. It reminded him of the symptoms of drug withdrawal.

Strange, Athena couldn't have touched these drugs. Why was she like this?

He stood up and walked to Athena's side, looking down at her.

"What do you need?" he asked.

"Medicine, it's in the refrigerator. And the syringe, give them to me," Athena reached out her hand, trying to grab hold of Luther, but he stepped back, just out of her reach.

Luther turned around and opened the refrigerator. Inside, he found the syringe and medication. He furrowed his brow; it turned out to be illicit drugs. He hadn't expected Athena to rely on drugs for pain relief. It seemed she was addicted now. As these were second-tier drugs, primary analgesics would no longer be effective for Athena.

He knew that Athena had suffered a severe gunshot wound, thanks to Joyce. He understood that Athena had come for him from the beginning, the one who had kidnapped Anderson.

This malicious woman, seeing her in pain now, gave him a sense of satisfaction. This was the retribution she deserved.

He closed the refrigerator, dissolved the painkiller, and brought it in front of Athena, handing it to her.

Athena tremblingly took it with both hands. When she tried to inject herself, her hands were shaking so badly that she couldn't administer the injection.

"Brother Luther, please help me," Athena pleaded. The pain was unbearable, and her whole body felt cold.

She had originally wanted to quit using drugs and had managed to hold on for many days. But with Joyce tearing open her wound again, she couldn't bear it any longer. Although she knew that another injection could potentially trigger her addiction again, she couldn't care less at the moment.

Luther looked at her. He hadn't noticed any signs of drug addiction from Athena during this period. It meant that Athena had been controlling and quitting the addiction.

To inject herself at a critical moment like this would nullify her previous efforts.


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