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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1741

Chapter 1741: Must Find Her

After leaving the Warner residence, Luther, using an encrypted satellite phone, contacted Felix.

Felix quickly answered the call, his voice filled with concern. "Hello, why are you using this satellite phone to contact me? You haven't used this special number in years. Is there an emergency?"

"My other numbers are being monitored. I'll be using this number to contact you from now on," Luther said while driving. "I have a few tasks for you. I can't move freely right now, so I need your help."

"Alright, go ahead. I'm listening, and I'll take notes," Felix opened the memo app on his phone, ready to jot down the details.

"First, I need you to find a new type of anesthetic that can induce anesthesia within a minute. Both you and I have connections in Mufron. Use my name, and I need to find this anesthetic as soon as possible, along with an anesthetist who is skilled in using it accurately. The drugs are easy to find, but trustworthy anesthetists are more important!" Luther explained carefully.

"Got it," Felix responded. "What else?"

"Find out all the areas where Athena operates. I want to know where she might hide the unlocking device for the detonator. Once you figure out the areas, I'll analyze further," Luther continued.

"The unlocking device for the detonator? Where is the explosive device installed? Should I send a demolitions expert from the Saunders family to assist you? They have experience in this field," Felix asked.

"Not necessary for now. Your demolitions expert won't be able to solve my problem. I can't explain it clearly at the moment, but just do as I say. These tasks I've mentioned must not be known by anyone else. Handle them personally and be cautious about your whereabouts," Luther added. "Especially when it comes to Athena, keep an eye on her. You can rest assured, I understand," Felix's voice became calm and steady, completely different from his usual playful demeanor.

"How are things going between you and Vicki?" Luther asked with concern.

"Don't mention it. I can't find her. She doesn't want to see me. Luther, it seems like OGW is related to Vicki's past, and there might be some conflicts between them. In any case, with Athena awakening and OGW appearing, Vicki knows about all these things, and if she knows, then that person must know too," Felix complained. "Christian... it's one thing to have a falling out, but does he really want to be our enemy?"

"Forget about Christian. Let's focus on our own tasks," Luther furrowed his brow.

"Luther, I've seen some news recently. Athena claims to be your first love and is publicly interfering in your marriage. What is she up to? Are you okay? Is there anything else I can help with? Do you want me to explain the situation to Vicki?" Felix asked.

"No need. Don't worry about Joyce. I trust her, and she will trust me. Alisha is still alive and currently under Athena's control, so I need to find a way to rescue her. Otherwise, I'll be restricted in everything I do and remain extremely passive," Luther glanced at his watch. "I can't talk for too long; the signal can be easily traced."

"What? Alisha is still alive? And she's with Athena? Wait, don't hang up the phone. Does Christian know about this? This is outrageous! The Ballard Group producing scum like this, I can't believe it. Christian is blind, but to be our enemy as well! Damn it, I want to slap some sense into him!" Felix became angry and started swearing.

"Forget about it. Christian just found out that Alisha is still alive as well. Let it be. Family matters are the most difficult to handle. It doesn't matter how he misunderstands me. I just want to rescue Alisha. I can't talk anymore; I'm hanging up. If you have anything urgent, contact me using this satellite number," Luther said before Felix could respond, and he ended the call.

Felix was driving at the time, and after the call was disconnected, he threw his phone aside.

With one hand on the steering wheel and the other supporting his forehead, he fell into deep thought.

Why were things becoming more and more complicated?

Involving OGW, the Saunders family wouldn't just stand by. It seemed that the events of the past involving the Saunders family were being brought up again. No matter how many years had passed, the darkness of the past couldn't be erased.

He slammed the steering wheel hard, feeling restless and agitated.


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