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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1783

Chapter 1783: Go Die

Blood gushed out.

Not far away, faintly, Athena's hoarse and exhausted shouts could be heard, "Joyce, go die! Die!! Die!"

Luther's mind went blank as he pressed his palm against Joyce's wound. The sticky sensation made his whole body shudder. Joyce was not like her usual self now; three lives were at stake. His fingers trembled uncontrollably, unable to steady themselves.

His voice trembled as well. "Joyce, Joyce... How do you feel?"

Watching her getting injured, and the perpetrator being their young daughter, he had never felt so powerless before. The last time he experienced such heart-wrenching pain was when he witnessed her fall off a cliff, that feeling of heartbreak he never wanted to experience again.

He saw Alisha fainting.

He was worried about his daughter, but he was even more afraid. Afraid of losing Joyce, afraid that something would happen to the twins in her womb. There was a moment when he harbored resentment towards Alisha. If it weren't for saving her, how could things have escalated like this? Yet, she regarded her as an enemy, repaying kindness with enmity.

Joyce felt the pain, waves of it coming from her abdomen, and she was afraid.

The blood flowing out made her thoughts gradually fade away, her mind no longer clear.

With the remnants of her consciousness, she reached out her hand, pointing towards Alisha. "Don't... blame the child... She's still young..."

Luther choked up, nodding his head. "Hmm."

At this moment, Reuben carried the unconscious Alisha.

He approached and handed Alisha to Darrin, who was standing nearby. Anxious, he said, "Joyce is injured. Carry her into the car, and let me handle it. Luckily, I still have my medical kit. I'll stitch her up first."

"Okay." Luther immediately nodded.

Fortunately, Reuben was a doctor himself, and the nearest hospital was not close by. If they couldn't stop the bleeding in time, there might be a real danger to her life.

"I'll give you anesthesia. It takes effect in one minute. I'll stitch while you endure it," Reuben said, not wasting a moment. After the anesthesia was injected, he quickly began the stitching.

Frowning during the procedure, he realized that her internal organs seemed to be damaged. He didn't dare tell Luther, so he performed temporary stitches. After finishing, he used gauze to apply pressure and stop the bleeding.

Joyce still had a slight consciousness. She asked in a trembling voice, "Are my children alright?"

Luther's heart tightened in response. These were his twin sons. He had even chosen their names: Zuo Tianqi and Xia Zilin. If they saved Alisha but paid the price of losing the twins, how could he bear it? Even if Alisha grew up, how would she face all of this?

Moreover, Joyce's life was hanging by a thread.

He didn't dare to think deeply, as the more he thought, the more fearful he became.


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