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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1787

Chapter 1787: Finally Caught You

"It must be Anderson. He's controlling the smart devices in the house and seeking help from the outside," Luther said, his expression growing more nervous. He was almost restless, wishing he could abandon the car and fly over.

"Mr. Warner, something's not right. Look, there are flashing red lights, like fire department signals," Darrin said. As the car sped closer to the Warner residence, the sound of the fire alarm became faintly audible.

Luther quickly rolled down the car window, and sure enough, the sharp siren grew clearer.

"Anderson must have triggered the fire alarm system. The fire department is coming. Hopefully, they can buy us some more time," he impatiently tapped the edge of the car window. He couldn't wait for even a second.

"We're almost there! Please hold on!" Darrin reassured, though he himself was quite anxious.

He felt responsible for this. Initially, the marshal wanted him to stay at the house, but he insisted on accompanying the marshal, turning the Warner family into an unmanned place. It was his recklessness that created an opening, giving the enemy an opportunity.

If something happened to Anderson, he would be held accountable.

As Darrin raced back to the Warner family, the scene before them made their hearts skip a beat.

The long avenue was blocked by numerous black SUVs, clearly belonging to OGW. The fire truck couldn't enter; it could only stop outside the iron gate.

The doors of the fire truck were all open, indicating that the firefighters had already entered.

Luther's car couldn't enter either.

They had to leave the car outside. Luther, Darrin, and three other special forces soldiers ran toward the direction of the Warner residence.

While running, Darrin asked, "Mr. Warner, we are outnumbered. We don't know how many people they have. It's too dangerous to rush in like this. Shouldn't I go and assess the situation first?"

Luther vetoed, "No, I must personally rescue Anderson."

He took out his handgun from his waist and remained on high alert.

"Okay, Mr. Warner, be extra careful," Darrin nodded at the other three special forces soldiers.

They all took out their advanced Glock pistols, equipped with high-capacity magazines capable of holding 17 rounds. These three soldiers were the elite of the elites selected by Darrin. Compared to OGW, they had no problem facing ten opponents at once. Plus, Darrin himself had extensive combat experience.

Just as they were about to reach the front entrance of the main house, there were sudden loud bangs from inside. In the dark night, the abrupt sound had absolute penetrating power, sending shivers down their spines.

The house seemed to tremble.

Luther's heart sank completely.

"Not good, it's a precision explosive device," he recognized it immediately since he had studied explosives.

Darrin could also tell. After the precise positioning, this type of explosive device had tremendous power. Although it didn't harm the surroundings, the damage it caused to the targeted area was terrifying.

What were they doing inside that required the use of explosives?

Darrin became even more nervous.

He kicked open the front door and saw Mr. Arnold lying motionless on the ground. He couldn't tell whether Mr. Arnold was still alive, but he didn't have time to worry about it.

Inside the living room, the firefighters were strewn about, most of them subdued, groaning on the ground. However, OGW didn't intend to kill them.

Water covered the floor, and sprinklers on the ceiling were still dripping water.

The scene was a mess and unbearable to look at.

Luther, Darrin, and the three special forces soldiers remained on high alert as they approached step by step.

As they kicked open the door, the black-clad figures in the living room began to attack them.

Bullets flew mercilessly.


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