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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1810

Chapter 1810 - The Plan is Completely Ruined

Mr. Middleton was greatly frightened, and quickly held Xiao Chengjun down to prevent him from struggling off the bed in his extreme panic.

"There are no ghosts, Chengjun. There are no ghosts in this world. Look, it's daytime now. It's me, Mr. Middleton." Mr. Middleton shook Xiao Chengjun.

But Xiao Chengjun couldn't control his emotions. He yelled, "The bathroom door wouldn't open, I was locked inside. The lights kept flashing on and off, scaring me to death. Wu wu, I want to go home, I want to go home, there are ghosts here, wu wu..."

Xiao Chengjun kept crying and making a fuss.

Mr. Middleton glanced at the kindergarten's school nurse. She shook her head, "No, I opened the bathroom door directly and went in. The door wasn't locked and the lights were on. Everything was normal. Chengjun, what did you see that scared you so badly?"

Xiao Chengjun couldn't explain. He could only bawl loudly, "There was a ghost, there definitely was a ghost!"

The school nurse shrugged at Mr. Middleton, "No choice, he's too little, can't just give him medication randomly. Let him rest at home for two days first and observe his emotional state."

Soon after, Butler Xiao rushed over after receiving the school's call.

He brought a change of clothes for Xiao Chengjun, who had peed himself. This was specially requested by Mr. Middleton.

Arriving at the school infirmary, Butler Xiao got an understanding of the situation.

Mr. Middleton, the school nurse, and the staff in charge of school network security were all present.

Mr. Middleton explained, "I'm sorry, Chengjun got his hands dirty during art class so I told him to go wash up in the bathroom. Didn't expect he was gone for so long without returning to class. When I went looking for him, I found him lying on the bathroom floor. Chengjun said the bathroom door was shut on him and the lights kept flickering on and off, scaring him. But oddly, when I opened the door, it wasn't locked and the lights were on."

Just then, Xiao Chengjun suddenly yelled, "I'm not lying, everything I said was true!!"

Mr. Middleton quickly soothed, "Teacher didn't say you lied. Teacher is just stating what happened at the time."

She continued, "We checked the surveillance footage just now."

The staff in charge of network security picked up, "It's like this. The surveillance showed after Xiao Chengjun entered the bathroom, no one else went near the bathroom door afterwards."

Butler Xiao frowned, "But the child is so scared, it doesn't seem fake."

Mr. Middleton was also troubled, "Yes, I feel Chengjun was really frightened too. But this whole thing is just too odd."

The network security staff said, "There's only one questionable thing. I discovered a loophole in the security network, unclear where it came from, possibly an outside virus infiltration. Causing the emergency fire doors to suddenly lock down. Then later the system automatically cleared the virus and the fire doors opened again."

"Right. The emergency door was locked at first. I called maintenance to open it but the door opened itself." Mr. Middleton kept nodding, "That was the whole sequence of events."

"I see, thank you." Butler Xiao directed the chauffeur to carry Xiao Chengjun up, "Mr. Middleton, I'll bring Chengjun home first. I hope teacher can refrain from letting the other kids know about today's matter."

Butler Xiao was also preserving some of Xiao Chengjun's dignity. After all, being scared by ghosts until peeing himself was not very honorable.


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