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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1817

Chapter 1817: You Should All Just Die

On the other side.

Ever since being taken away by Zhang Long, Athena had been staying at Christian's villa to recuperate.

The bullet went through her shoulder. The surgery was just to suture it. The wound got infected and she ran a high fever for several days. She was delirious and muttering nonstop.

Christian had assigned a maid to specially serve and keep watch over Athena. He would come by to visit her from time to time.

The private doctor came every day to change Athena's dressings and give her IV drips. The infection was finally under control, but the pain issue remained unresolved.

That night, after the private doctor finished changing the dressings, he gave Athena an injection for the pain.

The maid Xiaoling helped clean the area around Athena's wound and wiped her body, changing her into clean clothes.

Due to the pain, Athena gradually fell into an unconscious sleep, her almost transparent eyelids tightly shut.

Christian waited outside for the private doctor.

Seeing Christian, the private doctor respectfully bowed to him, "Mr. Ballard, you were waiting for me? Please let me know if you have any instructions."

Christian asked, "How is my sister's injury?"

"Mr. Ballard, I removed her stitches today. Don't let her move around these few days to avoid the wound reopening. Pay attention to a light diet. The wound will heal eventually. Your sister's most pressing issue now is that she has become addicted to painkillers. And the dosage has reached a rather high level that cannot be reversed."

Christian frowned. He had noticed this problem too.

Drug addiction was as dangerous as some other things. Once addicted, it was impossible to quit.

"How did this happen?"

The private doctor replied, "It's possible that your sister cannot tolerate pain normally. Last time when she injured her shoulder, due to the large wound area, it was difficult to heal. She developed the habit of using painkillers. Afterwards it could have been overcome, but likely due to psychological factors, she kept feeling pain herself, so she kept taking them. And the dosage kept increasing."

There was a kind of pain that was psychological. When one felt pain themselves, it would get more and more painful. No medicine could help.

"What should be done now?" Christian's brows furrowed. He had watched his sister grow up since she was little. He couldn't possibly send her to rehab. With the mixed bunch there, she wouldn't last a day. But if she was kept at home long term, no one could control her.

The private doctor added, "Mr. Ballard, honestly there is no good solution that I can think of. The only method I can propose now is to gradually reduce her painkiller dosage, and mainly urge your sister to control her psychological pain. Any medicine that treats mental conditions will also be psychoactive and have side effects and risk of addiction. It's robbing Peter to pay Paul. Mr. Ballard, I'm also not an expert in psychology. Perhaps Mr. Ballard could consult a professional."

Christian took a deep breath. "I understand, you may leave first."

The private doctor bowed to Christian again before leaving the villa.

Christian stood at the door, smoking a cigarette anxiously.

Then he returned to Athena's room. The maid Xiaoling was standing by ready to serve.

Seeing Christian, Xiaoling respectfully said, "Mr. Ballard, the young miss has fallen asleep."

Christian didn't speak. He walked over to take a close look at Athena.

When Athena first arrived, her face was pale as paper, her whole body covered in blood. Even he was shocked. Luckily it was just a shoulder wound. He knew Joyce had shown mercy, certainly because of giving him face. Otherwise Athena wouldn't have survived.

When he heard that Athena had commanded Alisha to stab Joyce, he was stunned.


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