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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1825

Chapter 1825: A Kiss to Seal the Deal

Anderson had just reached the entrance of the activities center when he was blocked by the surging crowds trying to get in. He was forced back out since he was young and short. Worried about being knocked down and trampled on.

So he cleverly hid behind a thick pillar by the bathroom entrance.

Screams continued from the crowd.

Some shouted, "Guns! They have guns! People outside have guns! Hide quickly!"


"Call the police!"

All kinds of panicked voices layered over each other, with chaotic footsteps constantly heard.

Suddenly, a gunshot sounded from inside the activities center. Right after, all the people still trying to get in now frantically rushed towards the entrance again, scattering like frightened birds and beasts. Most who fled were able-bodied youngsters. Those left in the activities center were mainly elderly, children, some women, people who couldn't escape because several armed men in black controlled the entrance outside.

Clearly, there were men in black inside the activities center and also outside.

The entire place was surrounded by armed men in black.

In that chaos just now, there was no way Anderson could have rushed out.

Right now from behind the thick pillar he looked towards the lobby inside the activities center.

He saw the men in black had shut the main doors. They pointed guns at the shivering crowd and yelled, "Everyone move to the open space by the counter, squat down, hands over your heads!"

Under heavy firepower threat, the terrified crowd wailed as they squeezed over to the counter, squatting as told with hands clasped over their heads.

Anderson frowned. Damn it, he just came to the amusement park to play, how could this happen? His dad and mom would worry again. They must be very anxious outside now.

The male bathroom was empty since everyone had run out earlier. No one had hidden inside except him. The gangsters in the lobby hadn't noticed this area yet. He pondered what to do.

He watched the lobby criminals gain control of the hostages. Some black clad men kept guns aimed at the cowering people on the ground.

One said, "You guys keep watch here, I'm going to check if anyone else is hiding."

Saying so, that man started patrolling around.

Anderson thought oh no to himself, sooner or later they would find him. Past experience told him he didn't want to become a hostage, falling into a group of vicious criminals. Escape would be nearly impossible.

Just when he was extremely anxious,

suddenly, a small hand tugged him from behind.

Before he could turn, he was pulled into the female bathroom.

Anderson instinctively wanted to yell but was met with a pair of clear, pure eyes. Such beautiful eyes, like they had immense attraction, involuntarily pulling him in.

"It's..." He opened his mouth, about to call out.

Unexpectedly the person in front of him suddenly heavily covered his lips, not letting him make a peep.

Anderson froze. The exquisite porcelain doll-like face magnified before him, bright blinking eyes, soft lips over his - this was his first kiss! Although still young, no girl had kissed him before.


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