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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1833

Chapter 1833: The Arrow Has Left the Bow

On the other side, Vicki had just hung up Cloud's phone call.

In the basement, at the end, there was a hidden door. Going down the stairs, it led to a large storage room. The entire storage room was located underground. This was where Cloud connected to the outside world via satellite signals.

Vicki had put in a lot of effort before she found the hidden door.

Tonight, although wearing handcuffs, her skills were still undiminished. She knocked out the two OGW members who were guarding her at the door, both sent by Cloud to keep watch over her.

Because she sensed something unusual was going on.

Cloud must be carrying out some important plan today, deliberately keeping it from her. After knocking out the guards, she did not try to escape. Instead, she went to the hidden room at the end and entered through the hidden door.

Inside was a huge sunken castle storage cellar. Although it never saw sunlight all year round, there was no musty stench.

Stepping on the ancient brick red floor tiles, she went all the way to the end, hiding behind a huge European-style pillar.

She discovered Cloud was making calls to contact the outside.

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore and charged forward, smashing Cloud's satellite phone on the ground fiercely, shattering it.

Cloud was fully focused on contacting the black-clothed people at the activity center, when Joyce took the initiative to contact him.

He didn't notice Vicki sneak up silently.

He had just asked, "Figured out how to give me the blueprints?"

Unexpectedly, Vicki rushed out and slapped Cloud heavily.

"Cloud, you are simply insane. I've already written the note as you asked to give to Joyce. Your goal has been achieved. Why do you still want to take innocent people hostage?"

She looked at him sadly.

"I really didn't expect you to have become a demon like this. Do you still want to take advantage of that little girl Fair? Don't forget she's just a child. Have you ever thought about how afraid a kidnapped child would feel? What kind of shadow it would cast over them in the future? When we were kids, didn't we suffer enough bullying?"

Cloud was slapped to the ground. From Vicki's eyes, he saw deep disappointment.

He panicked, "No, no, it's not what you think. I didn't intend to really harm the hostages. This is just a smokescreen. Don't be angry, I'll release them in a few hours at dawn."


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