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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1840

Chapter 1840: Both Individuals Are Trapped

On the other side, Felix, in order to rescue Vicki as soon as possible, discussed a detailed plan with Mr. Ball.

They were concerned that Cloud might move their base and that Athena might join forces with Cloud, making it even more difficult to rescue Vicki. Felix set the plan in motion for tonight at midnight.

To avoid alerting anyone prematurely, the total number of people involved in the operation was limited to eight. Apart from Felix and Mr. Ball, there were six elite individuals, each with exceptional skills, comparable to top special forces. According to the blueprints, they had concealed themselves in the vicinity of the semi-basement in advance.

The night was silent, except for the occasional chirping of insects, engulfing the surroundings in stillness.

Although it was a semi-basement, there was no trace of light inside.

Waiting anxiously, Felix couldn't help but feel impatient. "Are you sure Vicki is here? Nothing around here seems quite right. Most importantly, there are no lights, it doesn't look like someone is living here."

Mr. Ball explained, "Mr. Saunders, don't worry. I've had people investigate for a long time and confirmed that it is indeed inhabitable. It's just that the place is well-hidden, so it's hard to notice. You're right, it does appear to lack lights. However, there's a special film that, when applied, makes it impossible to see inside even if the lights are on. Sometimes, even my own hideouts use this method."

Felix nodded, "Alright, I understand."

At that moment, a figure in black suddenly emerged from the semi-basement, followed closely by another. The two individuals cautiously made their way out, looking left and right to ensure no one was around before entering the alley. They were carrying bags, obviously intending to dispose of something.

Felix quickly hid behind a wall to avoid exposing himself. Mr. Ball even pulled him further into the alley.

At the same time, Felix made a "shh" gesture, signaling the others not to move.

This was a rare opportunity. Someone came out, and soon someone else would go in, making it less likely to attract attention.

Felix carefully observed the two individuals in black. They were fully armed, even wearing black head coverings, only revealing their eyes. It was impossible to know who was beneath the masks.

He nudged Mr. Ball and whispered in his ear, "I have an idea. Let's follow these two individuals in black. Once we've knocked them out and tied them up, we can disguise ourselves as them and infiltrate."

Mr. Ball was somewhat surprised, "Isn't that too dangerous? What if we get trapped by the people inside? The ones outside won't be able to rescue us. Both of us would be compromised."

Felix tapped Mr. Ball's head, "Are you afraid of death?"

Mr. Ball's eyes widened, "I'm not afraid of death. I'm just stating the facts. Right now, everyone is relying on the two of us to lead. If both of us get caught at the same time, what do you think will happen? Or how about this, I'll go in with someone else while you stay outside. Isn't that better? It's not like I'm afraid of death."

Felix pondered for a moment and thought Mr. Ball had a point.

"Alright, let's bring Wu Hao, who is the most skilled among the people we brought. You stay outside. If there's any trouble, I'll send you a signal through Bluetooth. But if I don't send a signal within half an hour, you bring the others in. How about that?" Felix suggested.

Mr. Ball shook his head, "No, it should be me going in. Mr. Saunders, if you get caught, things will escalate. Your sister-in-law is not here, and neither are you. The whole Saunders family will be in chaos. As for me, it won't matter if they capture me. I'll find a way to escape on my own."

Felix frowned, "I've already made up my mind. Don't argue anymore. If you waste more time, those two will leave. I must see Vicki as soon as possible; otherwise, I won't be at ease."

"Alright, alright. I can't persuade you." Mr. Ball had no choice but to agree.


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