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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1849

Chapter 1849: Nightmares of Youth

On the other side.

It was a little past five in the morning, and the gray dawn seeped in through the broken glass window, casting a dim light that made the whole environment even more eerie and terrifying. The heavy morning dew soaked the damp ground, permeating it with a chilling coldness.

Vicki was awakened by the cold, her limbs numb and her shivering body curled up, even her teeth chattering.

She opened her eyes and surveyed the surroundings: an empty warehouse with rusty iron bars on the windows, a concrete floor, weathered walls with patches of peeling white paint. She had been kidnapped and taken to a place she had never been before.

Yesterday's chaos was too overwhelming. She was caught off guard and ambushed. Distracted by seeing someone attacking Felix, she became anxious and neglected her own safety, resulting in a blow to her neck. It wasn't just the blow to her neck that rendered her powerless. The main reason was that her assailant injected a sedative into her neck with a needle. At that moment, she felt her eyelids grow heavy, and she couldn't open them again.

The ground was freezing. She struggled to get up from the floor and leaned against the wall. Her hands and feet were bound with ropes, rendering her immobile.

"Damn it," she cursed under her breath.

She couldn't think of anyone other than Cloud who would want to capture her. Athena was unlikely to be involved, and there was no reason to provoke Christian.

Looking around discreetly, she tried to find something sharp that could cut the ropes. Suddenly, her gaze fell on a piece of broken glass not far away.

With a determined thought, Vicki made an effort to move towards the shattered glass.

Just as she was about to reach it, there was a creaking sound, and the rusty iron door was opened from the outside.

A tall and muscular man walked in, dressed in a black cloak with a hat pulled down low, obscuring his forehead. Combined with his lowered head, his face was completely hidden.

Vicki straightened her back, halted her movements, and waited for the man to approach step by step. It seemed that he was the one who had kidnapped her.

She remained unusually calm, her breathing steady and composed.

Until the moment the man came close to her, she still maintained her composure without any change of expression or a racing heart.

With a low chuckle, Vicki said, "Since you've captured me, you'll have to reveal yourself sooner or later. There's no need for all this secrecy."

The man laughed, a sinister and ghostly sound that sent shivers down one's spine as if it came from hell itself.

Slowly, the man lifted his head and removed his hat, revealing his face.

It was an unfamiliar face. He was in his forties or early fifties, with a square-shaped face that couldn't be called ugly but not particularly handsome either. His features were slightly peculiar, somewhat unnatural.

Although the face was unfamiliar, there was a sense of familiarity in his presence.

"Vicki, indeed Vicki, unique among the rest," the man spoke slowly, his voice husky.

Vicki's heart skipped a beat. Why did even his voice sound somewhat familiar? She had never seen this face before. Obviously, the man knew her. Who was he? Why did he capture her?


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